Jesus ya’ll are making it sound like America is the worst country in the world. Do we have problems yes of course we do, the country is run by humans, and humans by nature f@ck shit up. We do how ever have a country that is a gaint mixing pot of different cultures, and people who have proven time and time again that when sh&t hits the fan we pull......
There was a boy who was talking to his group of friends. Suddenly he said,"I bet I can jump off the balcony." His friends were all smiles and saying,"yeah right," until he ran to the school balcony and jumped with a Tarzan scream. He then proceeded to try to land on his feet and broke his right leg. A couple days later he came back with crutches an......
I can only answer question 1 and question 3 and I am sorry if this is not very helpful advice. For the first question, I advise you talk to a professional. It sounds scary at first, but it's a big step in the right direction. It's okay to have bad days but when they are happening often and having a big impact on your usual day to day activities, i......
Make your anime alter ego