I think she meant the toxic people who sexualize everything Grim
fujoshis aren't toxic people who sexualize everything, that word refers to women who likes or writes BL, you know just like author of 19 days Old Xian. Also looking at that person profile they're fujo themselves. As I already said this manhua is one of most popular in yaoi communities literally everywhere. So yeah stupidest shit I've read whole week.
I think she meant the toxic people who sexualize everything Grim
and what do you think by sexualizing everything??? This is literally romance manhua. 2 couple in this story with potential 3rd couple and both of them kissed already with tongues even though they're middle school kids. I don't know maybe people here are all 12 year old kids who are to embarrassed when someone mentions sex, but in reality when you became adult sex became extremely big part of your romantic life.
fujoshis aren't toxic people who sexualize everything, that word refers to women who likes or writes BL, you know just like author of 19 days Old Xian. Also looking at that person profile they're fujo themselve... chels_2613
I know what a fujoshi is, I meant that in the community there are people who sexualize everything especially the characters, of course, it is not the whole commu. take Bnha for example most of the fandom watch the anime (or read the manga), find theories (etc..) but 1/5 of the fandom will do horrible ship (I don't have anything against ship some are even cute, I'm talking about the ones who are horrible like Aizawa x Eri, Nomu x Deku), will sexualize the characters when they're minors, send deaths threats to Horikoshi to have gay couples in the show, etc... And I think @buccacotta was talking about this part of the fandom. she could just have used the wrong word there. Anyway, it seems like I didn't express myself really well in my first comment, I apologize English isn't my first language and my level is not high.
and what do you think by sexualizing everything??? This is literally romance manhua. 2 couple in this story with potential 3rd couple and both of them kissed already with tongues even though they're middle scho... chels_2613
Sexualizing: Sexualization was defined by the task force as occurring when a person's value comes only from her/his sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics, and when a person is sexually objectified, e.g., made into a thing for another's sexual use. This is the definition, @buccacotta spoke about the wholesomeness of this manhua, she probably meant that she doesn't want it to be made overly sexual.
Sexualizing: Sexualization was defined by the task force as occurring when a person's value comes only from her/his sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics, and when a person is sex... Grim
"i really hope the fujoshi aint finding this the story is actually really wholesome"
1. that person clearly reference the whole fujo community, not the "toxic people who sexualize everything", that's what you said not them. 2. they're implying that this comic isn't known at all in BL communities. Which basically means they found out about BL or fujoshi yesterday, because that's one of most popular comics in this genre. that was my point initially when I replied to them because that statement was extremely stupid and ignorant. It's like saying I hope weebs doesn't find out about Attack on Titan.
Sexualizing: Sexualization was defined by the task force as occurring when a person's value comes only from her/his sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics, and when a person is sex... Grim
I love how you just assume what this person wrote and defend them on your own so passionately, lol. Shaming the whole group of people on biggest yaoi oriented site under BL comic is actually much more toxic than drawing some fictional 2d characters having sex.
I know what a fujoshi is, I meant that in the community there are people who sexualize everything especially the characters, of course, it is not the whole commu. take Bnha for example most of the fandom watch ... Grim
yes that kind of people do exist but that's not exclusively to yaoi but overall anime manga. You yourself mentioned straight pedo ships here. In realty yaoi is pretty fluffy and innocent compared to hentai. Hentai can be extremely disgusting most of time. I don't think that that person above meant what you're claiming here. I sure it's one of those people who call fujos disgusting and assume that problems like this rape, toxic relationship, incest and pedophilia only happens in yaoi not in other genres of anime manga. Which means they don't watch anime or read manga that much and just jumping bandwagon. Or just are homophobic and are using excuses to slam it... Also about dj, nobody is forcing us to read it, I can't understand why people are offended by it. They don't involve real people they can't harm anybody. There are some examples of making this kind of fanart with real people celebrities. That stuff can really harm someones carrier or even personal life, thats extremely disgusting and dangerous.
I love how you just assume what this person wrote and defend them on your own so passionately, lol. Shaming the whole group of people on biggest yaoi oriented site under BL comic is actually much more toxic th... chels_2613
I'm not shaming anyone. If you feel offended when I said that people, in general, sexualize gay people and kids too much you should question yourself.
yes that kind of people do exist but that's not exclusively to yaoi but overall anime manga. You yourself mentioned straight pedo ships here. In realty yaoi is pretty fluffy and innocent compared to hentai. Hen... chels_2613
I mentioned a straight ship because I didn't want to pass for a homophobic person but disgusting gay ships exist (NomuxDeku, HisokaxGon, all mightxDeku, dabixshoto).
Also isn't overall is not that innocent even in "sweet" bl the number of time the uke askes to stop, slow down, says no, is too tired without the top stoping is really common and in any yaoi. though it's true hentai can be really disturbing too. As for @buccacotta being homophobic, I won't say anything since I can't really know. Doujinshi isn't hurtful as long as people know how to draw a line between cute ships and illegals ships. though saying that can't be hurtful because they're not real is wrong, first, it can hurt the author seeing his character being trashed must not be a pleasant experience. it also normalizes seeing pedophilia, incest, rape, toxic relationship, and get us used to it, getting used to it means seeing less wrong in it, and that is really bad.
"i really hope the fujoshi aint finding this the story is actually really wholesome"1. that person clearly reference the whole fujo community, not the "toxic people who sexualize everything", that's what you sa... chels_2613
"I really hope the fujoshi ain't finding this the story is actually really wholesome"
then I said "I think @buccacotta was talking about this part of the fandom", I was just assuming and tried to make sense out of what they said because as you responded, their comment does not make sense.
As for what they're implying, you said that maybe "they found out about BL or fujoshi yesterday", if that would really be the case then they could not know the meaning because on TikTok, Instagram (etc..), fujoshi and fudanshi are usually seen as something negative. it could be the reason why she used this word.
Anyway, as long as @buccacotta doesn't respond we can't really know since to me both of our points of view are valid.
I'm not shaming anyone. If you feel offended when I said that people, in general, sexualize gay people and kids too much you should question yourself. Grim
Men have been sexualizing lesbians since the beginning of time yet nobody gives a crap. Men sexualize women, women sexualize men. If you are gay and offended by overly sexual BL I suggest you to read Bara. Everyone is sexualizing something, the whole porn is about men sexualizing females. They're also people who clearly have some mental issues with their fetishes. I really like how you suddenly start to attack me personally. Next time you probably call me pedo. Yet I'm the one who's trashing you here??? lol Why are you even here arguing with me? Aren't you the one who repled me first? My initial comment which I wrote to author of this post that you replied to don't have anything to do with "sexualization" or fujoshis "morality". Neither do I offended by anything. The only thing I wrote there is that 19 days is extremely popular comic book, everywhere. So the initial comment doesn't make any sense regardless what they think who fujoshis are. Yet you started commenting about everything wrong with this world and assuming what me or op are really saying. Also if you seriously believe that sexualizing gay men and sexualizing little children is similar things you need to question yourself first. The biggest mistake I did here is that I replied to you in first place, but rest assured I won't do it anymore...
I'm not shaming anyone. If you feel offended when I said that people, in general, sexualize gay people and kids too much you should question yourself. Grim
yes and that wasn't even about you, I was referring to op. Good job for getting offended by your own!
yes and that wasn't even about you, I was referring to op. Good job for getting offended by your own! chels_2613
Not you replying to one phrase and making assumptions about me on your own. to clarify I am not offended, I responded to your comment because I wanted to give my opinion. In all your texts you seemed pretty angry and I honestly don't care why but please stop assuming who I am and half insulting me. I never thought of you as a pedo as I would not dare to assume who you are without knowing you.
fujoshis aren't toxic people who sexualize everything, that word refers to women who likes or writes BL, you know just like author of 19 days Old Xian. Also looking at that person profile they're fujo themselve... chels_2613
the only fujos i know are weirdos who sexualise real life people and that might be true but in the western world people who identify themselves as fujoshis are girls who hardcore fetishise bl and don't criticise questionable behaviour from the top/bottom like rape for example
"i really hope the fujoshi aint finding this the story is actually really wholesome"1. that person clearly reference the whole fujo community, not the "toxic people who sexualize everything", that's what you sa... chels_2613
im not new but i dont interact with other bl readers because they often romanticise things that i find really questionable
Men have been sexualizing lesbians since the beginning of time yet nobody gives a crap. Men sexualize women, women sexualize men. If you are gay and offended by overly sexual BL I suggest you to read Bara. Ever... chels_2613
why are u using lesbian sexualisation as an example? its not a good thing and shouldn't be a thing at all. just because lesbians are sexualised doesn't mean that gay men should be too? if u are a fujoshi good for u ig but most fujoshis are batshit crazy and i said i hope fujos don't find this manhwa because i didn't see any sexualising comments which i often see on more sexual manhwas/mangas. i just hope the author keeps it wholesome and doesn't add abuse or stuff like that in the relationships. why are u even offended? are u one of those fujoshis that romanticise rape and take photos of real life gays
fujoshis aren't toxic people who sexualize everything, that word refers to women who likes or writes BL, you know just like author of 19 days Old Xian. Also looking at that person profile they're fujo themselve... chels_2613
i really hope the fujoshi aint finding this the story is actually really wholesome
Do you realize that it's one of most popular BL comics in fujoshi communities both in east and west?
I think she meant the toxic people who sexualize everything
fujoshis aren't toxic people who sexualize everything, that word refers to women who likes or writes BL, you know just like author of 19 days Old Xian. Also looking at that person profile they're fujo themselves. As I already said this manhua is one of most popular in yaoi communities literally everywhere. So yeah stupidest shit I've read whole week.
and what do you think by sexualizing everything??? This is literally romance manhua. 2 couple in this story with potential 3rd couple and both of them kissed already with tongues even though they're middle school kids. I don't know maybe people here are all 12 year old kids who are to embarrassed when someone mentions sex, but in reality when you became adult sex became extremely big part of your romantic life.
I know what a fujoshi is, I meant that in the community there are people who sexualize everything especially the characters, of course, it is not the whole commu. take Bnha for example most of the fandom watch the anime (or read the manga), find theories (etc..) but 1/5 of the fandom will do horrible ship (I don't have anything against ship some are even cute, I'm talking about the ones who are horrible like Aizawa x Eri, Nomu x Deku), will sexualize the characters when they're minors, send deaths threats to Horikoshi to have gay couples in the show, etc... And I think @buccacotta was talking about this part of the fandom. she could just have used the wrong word there. Anyway, it seems like I didn't express myself really well in my first comment, I apologize English isn't my first language and my level is not high.
Sexualizing: Sexualization was defined by the task force as occurring when a person's value comes only from her/his sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics, and when a person is sexually objectified, e.g., made into a thing for another's sexual use.
This is the definition, @buccacotta spoke about the wholesomeness of this manhua, she probably meant that she doesn't want it to be made overly sexual.
"i really hope the fujoshi aint finding this the story is actually really wholesome"
1. that person clearly reference the whole fujo community, not the "toxic people who sexualize everything", that's what you said not them.
2. they're implying that this comic isn't known at all in BL communities. Which basically means they found out about BL or fujoshi yesterday, because that's one of most popular comics in this genre.
that was my point initially when I replied to them because that statement was extremely stupid and ignorant. It's like saying I hope weebs doesn't find out about Attack on Titan.
I love how you just assume what this person wrote and defend them on your own so passionately, lol. Shaming the whole group of people on biggest yaoi oriented site under BL comic is actually much more toxic than drawing some fictional 2d characters having sex.
yes that kind of people do exist but that's not exclusively to yaoi but overall anime manga. You yourself mentioned straight pedo ships here. In realty yaoi is pretty fluffy and innocent compared to hentai. Hentai can be extremely disgusting most of time. I don't think that that person above meant what you're claiming here. I sure it's one of those people who call fujos disgusting and assume that problems like this rape, toxic relationship, incest and pedophilia only happens in yaoi not in other genres of anime manga. Which means they don't watch anime or read manga that much and just jumping bandwagon. Or just are homophobic and are using excuses to slam it...
Also about dj, nobody is forcing us to read it, I can't understand why people are offended by it. They don't involve real people they can't harm anybody. There are some examples of making this kind of fanart with real people celebrities. That stuff can really harm someones carrier or even personal life, thats extremely disgusting and dangerous.
But the author herself has done several artworks of the boys in sexualized poses or even outright nude. Especially Jian Yi and Mo.
That's true, I just said what I understood of it. I'm getting trashed about what I understood now. I'll just say nothing next time
I'm not shaming anyone. If you feel offended when I said that people, in general, sexualize gay people and kids too much you should question yourself.
I mentioned a straight ship because I didn't want to pass for a homophobic person but disgusting gay ships exist (NomuxDeku, HisokaxGon, all mightxDeku, dabixshoto).
Also isn't overall is not that innocent even in "sweet" bl the number of time the uke askes to stop, slow down, says no, is too tired without the top stoping is really common and in any yaoi. though it's true hentai can be really disturbing too.
As for @buccacotta being homophobic, I won't say anything since I can't really know.
Doujinshi isn't hurtful as long as people know how to draw a line between cute ships and illegals ships.
though saying that can't be hurtful because they're not real is wrong, first, it can hurt the author seeing his character being trashed must not be a pleasant experience. it also normalizes seeing pedophilia, incest, rape, toxic relationship, and get us used to it, getting used to it means seeing less wrong in it, and that is really bad.
"I really hope the fujoshi ain't finding this the story is actually really wholesome"
then I said "I think @buccacotta was talking about this part of the fandom", I was just assuming and tried to make sense out of what they said because as you responded, their comment does not make sense.
As for what they're implying, you said that maybe "they found out about BL or fujoshi yesterday", if that would really be the case then they could not know the meaning because on TikTok, Instagram (etc..), fujoshi and fudanshi are usually seen as something negative. it could be the reason why she used this word.
Anyway, as long as @buccacotta doesn't respond we can't really know since to me both of our points of view are valid.
Men have been sexualizing lesbians since the beginning of time yet nobody gives a crap. Men sexualize women, women sexualize men. If you are gay and offended by overly sexual BL I suggest you to read Bara. Everyone is sexualizing something, the whole porn is about men sexualizing females. They're also people who clearly have some mental issues with their fetishes.
I really like how you suddenly start to attack me personally. Next time you probably call me pedo. Yet I'm the one who's trashing you here??? lol
Why are you even here arguing with me? Aren't you the one who repled me first?
My initial comment which I wrote to author of this post that you replied to don't have anything to do with "sexualization" or fujoshis "morality". Neither do I offended by anything. The only thing I wrote there is that 19 days is extremely popular comic book, everywhere. So the initial comment doesn't make any sense regardless what they think who fujoshis are. Yet you started commenting about everything wrong with this world and assuming what me or op are really saying.
Also if you seriously believe that sexualizing gay men and sexualizing little children is similar things you need to question yourself first.
The biggest mistake I did here is that I replied to you in first place, but rest assured I won't do it anymore...
yes and that wasn't even about you, I was referring to op. Good job for getting offended by your own!
Not you replying to one phrase and making assumptions about me on your own.
to clarify I am not offended, I responded to your comment because I wanted to give my opinion. In all your texts you seemed pretty angry and I honestly don't care why but please stop assuming who I am and half insulting me.
I never thought of you as a pedo as I would not dare to assume who you are without knowing you.
the only fujos i know are weirdos who sexualise real life people and that might be true but in the western world people who identify themselves as fujoshis are girls who hardcore fetishise bl and don't criticise questionable behaviour from the top/bottom like rape for example
im not new but i dont interact with other bl readers because they often romanticise things that i find really questionable
why are u using lesbian sexualisation as an example? its not a good thing and shouldn't be a thing at all. just because lesbians are sexualised doesn't mean that gay men should be too? if u are a fujoshi good for u ig but most fujoshis are batshit crazy and i said i hope fujos don't find this manhwa because i didn't see any sexualising comments which i often see on more sexual manhwas/mangas. i just hope the author keeps it wholesome and doesn't add abuse or stuff like that in the relationships. why are u even offended? are u one of those fujoshis that romanticise rape and take photos of real life gays
obviously i can see the reader count
how come im a fujoshi?