CrystalAris's experience ( All 0 )

CrystalAris's answer ( All 7 )

If I was going bald, yes. I did have longer hair, but cut it really short and told my co-workers I lost a bet... ... They believed me ^^   reply
02 09,2017
Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it. Every flower has a meaning Charles. I love me too. We're all gonna die. Lead by example. Liar, liar, pants on fire. ... Does he wear pants? Well tiny pants. Don't tell me your problems lady. What the puck. If i keep goning... the world may end ^^ rather these quote i use on a daily basis and have become ' ......   reply
19 06,2017
Very much so. I just hide them. But sometimes they slip out. Hade to write a poem...and my teacher.... freaked a bit ^^ Remember the quiet ones are what we need to watch out for   1 reply
19 06,2017
Have you ever drowned your self for the happiness of a loved one, weither they return though feelings?   reply
19 06,2017
Nope. If i do I'd feel bad for the spouse.   reply
19 06,2017

CrystalAris's question ( All 1 )

about penpals
If you summoned or reborn into and RPG world (whether a real RPG or stuck in a Game),

Would you want to go back?
Would you have any regrets (in general)?
If you were to die in this world, what would be a satisfactory death for you?
What would be your ideal job?
Would you want (or end up with) a Harem (Male or Female) and would it be...showy... ^^'?
Would you have slaves and would you exploit them, free them, have companions?
And any other fun stuff you'd like to do, mind you there are many magical creatures, so its not limited to just humans.

Personally, I'd love to stay in that world if I could (and currently I don't want to live forever {revive after death}) and I wouldn't want to return to this world
If I had any regrets it would be missing my friends and family from time to time (if I ever start reflecting) but it depends on how I feel while I'm in that world if I'm honest.
I'd be glad to die at the hands or teeth of a Dragon (fighting or trying to befriend) or die fighting. Dying by poison would be annoying and I'd love to take my life into my own hands.
if I had a job.... I'd love to be a tamer, more like friends with all the wild creatures even if I have to show strength before befriending them, but I'd also like to make my own tools rather for home use or fighting so I have no one to blame rather than myself.
I'd love to be able to fall in love, weither I end up with a harem or not would be a complete accident and I'd be completely ignorant of it and probally think they were joking or trying to butter me up if they claimed they liked me.
If I had slaves, they'd be more like companions and my best friends. I wouldn't want to do anything perverted. even if I bought them and they hated me enough to kill me I my sleep, I'd be fine with it ... as long as it was quick.
If I can I'd prefer to love a dragon, elf, beast, etc and I guess humans could be in there but he'd have to be one hell of a guy ^^
08 12,2017

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