CrystalAris's feed

I mean I understand the FL was in love with him to the point of death, but I’m happy she doesn’t want him.

But I also (kind of) get why he didn’t like FL since the story fake fl lied to him and tricked him into her world and FL a was one of the shackles keepin*him there even if she didn’t know it.

Still, no excuse to treat her terribly, never even gave her the time of day. But then my opinion went down even further when he could brush her off, you the had to know her whereabouts 24/7 (lost massive points there buddy, had no more than one sympathy point remaining)

Though FL was bad with her fan girl puppy love, she grew out of it. Sure she got bitch slapped to death to wake up but… in the end she woke up and said this is it. I gave you my all, I’m done.

So I’m happy for her.

The ML is seriously gonna have to change for me to start caring or even consider him for the FL’s love intrest. Sheks already grown a back bone and I hope she sticks with it.

There have been soooooo many Harlequin stories where the FL needed to walk away, she would have been happier, especially if he misunderstood her once, it’s gonna happen again,

Hell I might not even mind the younger brother… is he too young? It’s been awhile since I read the first few chapters. But he could be good. He seems to need someone to love him for him, his brother… is more sympathetic but is still ‘using’ him so again he’s losing points

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