frxstine January 9, 2021 12:33 pm

This is amaziiiing!! As expected from the author I guess. Anw, I really ship Koharu and Ren, they're just so funny and cute and dramatic and... ugh! I guess I'll pity Konno a bit. Childhood friends trope for second ML is just really somethingelse, huh. Well, he has Hayu so I guess he'll be fine. I'm so excited for the upcoming chapters. The plot in this manga just gets even more and more interesting!

frxstine January 9, 2021 12:32 pm

WAAAAAAH~~~ I need moreeee!! I've been waiting for so long to see her dressed up. She looks really great with that make up, btw. It makes me miss seeing her with her beautiful, long hair. Sigh, I feel like she'd look even better. Also, damn you, Arhad! Paying that much for a bouquet... Grr, stop reminding me that I've got no love life of my own! T~T

    KurooKagome January 9, 2021 12:41 pm

    Saaaame!!! The cliffhanger is bad for my heart. Ianna looks so damn beautiful with make up. I can't wait for her to wear the dress that's made for her.

frxstine April 13, 2020 1:02 pm

I love this! The author really did a great job, I couldn't stop squealing. Endo's so hot and cute at the same time, I feel pity and envy for Hiriki.

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