grandkingsgirl January 21, 2021 6:02 pm

ITOSHI SAE OMFG,,,, I LITERALLY STOPPED BREATHING FOR ABOUT 5-10 SECONDS OR SO, AND I COULDN'T STOP GAWKING AT THAT ONE PANEL He really be gracing us with all of his glory, gosh. That gentle pass and that swift shot, I— Im'ma start preparing my wedding vows, can I pls get married to this beautiful man?

Also, RinSagi be making me feel things again. "You just have to look at me" Sure, Rin. I suppose all you need for that is Isagi, but maybe I'll go ahead and do that too once my heart fcking gets over your goddamned hot older brother. There's srsly smth about you pair of brothers, my poor kokoro-chan can't take it.

frxstine January 20, 2021 1:36 pm

Wtf this turned so dark. Tbh I'm getting a tiny bit more hooked in this than in Fairy Tail. Don't get me wrong, FT was good, like one of my Top 5 alongside One Piece, Gintama, etc., until the last arcs where it practically was mostly about fanservice and the ships, and they did Acnologia real dirty. But this manga is just sooooo good, I think I'd like it more if Mashima doesn't reference his other works a little too much tho. He srsly has to stop doing that and start thinking of new character designs and dynamics for this manga. I mean, I can understand if that's just how he wants it, but it's kinda starting to feel a bit forced just for the sake of the fans of FT's famous ships (e.g JeRza being quite similar to Elsie and Justice). Other than that, the plot for this is really nice, I guess.

frxstine January 20, 2021 1:17 pm

Go off, Queen!!! Pay before you eat fr, like the audacity of that biatch. She do be taking Ls every single chapter lmao. Just lem'me at her, one slap won't even be enough!!!!

frxstine January 20, 2021 1:05 pm

Fr tho, when will Claude wake up? Like,,,, your daughter's already getting stressed out by everything: First, he forgets about her. Then, he keeps Jeanette (who thinks that she's also a "part" of their family). And now, he's on a coma for who knows how long, the people are already having doubts, and his supposedly-dead older brother comes back. Wake up already Claude, for fck's sake, I'm getting even more anxious than Athy!!!! I didn't think I signed my heart up for too much anxiousness.

frxstine January 20, 2021 1:01 pm

Bruh, I want me a Lucas who'd offer to slaughter everyone for me whenever I want to, just because he actually CAN do it. Athy really be winning big when it comes to her love interest

frxstine January 20, 2021 12:47 pm

Okay, I'm typing this before checking out if it really updated or not, and I can barely even remember anything about this manga but I remember reading this around 2017-18 and agonizing over how it hasn't been updating since. I'm so glad this is fcking back!!!! Thank you to whoever picked this up again!!!!! It's been years!!!!!!!

frxstine January 18, 2021 8:39 pm

HOB dj?!?! Omfg,,, they didn't have to snap that hard with the art style! I—

frxstine January 18, 2021 8:31 pm

Tiny Himuro uwu

frxstine January 18, 2021 7:58 pm

Feng: What did you feed him?
Ye Er: Gold!
Feng: Throw him away

...And there you have it, everyone! Isa na namang kuripot na ina ang ating nakikita. Nothing unusual here~~~ HAHAHAHAHA

    laezy January 19, 2021 4:50 am

    Typical asian mom HAHAHAHAHAHA 'pag sa pinas yan di kana sisikatan ng araw

frxstine January 18, 2021 10:17 am

I sooo regret not reading this earlier. Gosh, I used to ignore it because the summary just didn't seem too interesting for me nor did it seem like it'd suit my tastes. But as I read through it until I caught up to the recent chapter, I admit my mistake. This is def one of the best villainess trope stories I've ever read. Medeia's turning me gay, omfg! She just keeps on slaying each chapter, my poor kokoro-chan kept beating so fast. I completely understand why Heli is so dedicated to her. T^T In any case, I really ship her with Heli, but red-hair guy is making me feel things too, hnggg~~~

    sins January 18, 2021 10:25 am

    thanks for this comment, i always ponder whether i should read this but i guess i should! :)

    Do_Chito12 January 18, 2021 4:43 pm

    I want the blond hair girl to be with the red hair guy. Because Heli is such a good match to our Medeia 7u7

    frxstine January 18, 2021 7:49 pm
    thanks for this comment, i always ponder whether i should read this but i guess i should! :) sins

    Your welcome, I guess (?) This is def a must-read. I hope you enjoy it as much as, if not more than, I did! ^___^

    Kanae's January 19, 2021 5:48 pm

    I am with you at the regretting part!!!! I am so so much ashamed I put this webtoon on want to read list for so long!! This is so awesome it made me cry blood (ᗒᗩᗕ)

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