The most wholesome rejection I've ever read. Totally in-character for them to do it like this. I was nervous about how the author would do Jayu's response, because her suddenly accepting Jahyeok's confession would just be abrupt and out-of-character while I didn't think the author would be brave enough to do a rejection. I'm glad they settled it like this. Eventually, when they DO end up together, it'll be even more satisfying because that's gonna be the point where Jayu truly knows she likes him too—in the same way he does.

Omg so many chapters for my favorite heroine's manga in one update. I missed this so much! TT
Also, Curtis, Cyril and the commander really are so funny lololol. Cyril and Saviz really like teasing Fia haha. And I ship Cyril with Fia so much so this recent chapter may just be my favorite so far! ~////~
I need someone as whipped for me as Perez is for Tia, dude.