This one didn't get me at all. It was too rushed. Hiroki liked him back too fast. I love almost all your other mangas but not this one.

If you re-read the manga it kind of makes sense. In terms, that he actually liked him all along but never realized it until he was actually confronted as to why he was living with Kurosawa. He realized fully I think when he thought back to how thanks to Kurosawa he was able to move forward in life since they meet. So in a way they both actually liked each other since they meet. Hiroki was just slower on realizing it. Hence, he never really resisted Kurosawa's advances.
Oh I love this manga so much. Subaru is so freaking cute when he snuggles up to Daisuke. Then after waiting long for an update we got one so thanks. It was really a feat chapter after all a confession from Daisuke to Subaru. Now they are official so now more smut and sex. Lolzzz