I remember reading it at a friends house before I made an account and I couldnt find it afterwards. It's about how Satan made a school and there's this boy with white hair and blue eyes who looks like an angel goes. He ends up joining the student council and tries to help around the school. There's also this character that reminds me a lot of Frankenstein if my memory is correct. It's not a yaoi or shounen ai because there was no romance going on. Can someone please help me find the title! Thank you!
I've been crying for like the past hour because of this, my grandma had an old cat and before he died I was the only person who liked him. Me and him would sit on the bed for hours, I would draw he would sleep, I would never be able to touch him but that bound was there, when he died the day before was the first time I petted him and we slept together then I left just to get a call the next day.
This story just reminds me of how much I loved him