Why are people acting like Siyoen is an innocent person? Last I checked he's a cold blooded killer for hire with a bitchy attitude. Lol...Taekyung is his boss and at the end of the day it is a business but I don't doubt for a moment if Siyeon really wants to quit, Taek will allow it. I want Taek to be a bit more mature and stop letting Siyeon run him over. Siyeon has a ton of baggage and still wants to break up with him. He's been using Taek. No one here is innocent so stop acting like Siyeon is better. Taek takes care of him and loves him. He's been the more honest out of the two.

FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. Why is people defending Siyeon so blindly?? The dude IS A KILLER, no matter why he did it, he's just as Taekyung. Also, he has had PLENTY of chances to walk away and he hasn't. He really likes Taekyung (not only his face), he just doesn't want to admit it and the way he treats Taekyung sometimes is honestly super annoying. Whatever, I love them both (⌒▽⌒)

A cold blooded killer would've had no problems killing that pregnant woman several chapters back...Siyeon is in a rebound relationship he was pressured into--the only perk for him was the sex chemistry. He hasn't tried to take advantage of his filthy rich bf. He is trying to find a way out without hurting Tae. This looks like it's Tae's first relationship to last this long. Ever wonder why? There is not a good guy or bad guy here imho

"No one here is innocent so stop acting like Siyeon is better."...Where is there a statement in what I said saying either is good or bad?...Why is Taek filthy? Siyeon is just as filthy. Oh, I wasn't aware there are good contracted killers and bad ones? He kills to pay off his debt. He could just not do it. Makes him selfish, self centered and a cold blooded killer to me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I could name you a few of real life serial killers that don't kill kids, makes them less cold blooded? My point here was to give my opinion on why it is ridiculous to come after Taek with certain standards and such hate or make him out be the worst, when he isn't. He even offered to pay off his debt. Maybe Taek hadn't fallen in love before Siyeon and that is why he's not all that great in it. It is obvious Taek adores Siyeon and tries to spoil him. Taek is immature, lacks tact and a bit possessive but we don't know what his past has been like just Siyeon's. He still tries with Siyeon. He is actually learning with what Sieyon does and tells him of likes and not. He is going through character development. I have not seen any from Siyeon as of yet.

Both Tae and Siye are killers that is what I meant by no one is good or bad when comparing Siye & Tae to each other...that doesn't mean I think killers are good people, not sure why you went there but I'm sorry for not being clearer..
If Siye were cold blooded he would've had no qualms about killing that pregnant target, watching tv or staying up to date on social media, IMHO. Cold blooded killers have no conscience and they are pyschopaths. They may have standards like not killing kids but it's nothing more than a rule they go by there isn't feeling behind it per se. YMMV
I wrote Tae is 'filthy rich' not filthy. I do not think Siye is innocent but Tae doesn't belong on a pedestal by any means either. Is it okay for a guy to strong arm someone into a relationship so long as he spoils his partner? I say hell no --to compensate Tae lets Siye have a lot of the control in the relationship. Did Siye ask Tae to pay off his debt? No, but he could have, it would've been chump change to Tae. Siye seems like the more mature o bc he has had more experience. As far as character development--I see it for both of them. Siye closed his heart and swore off relationships after being dumped and saddled with debt but he has been slowly opening up to Tae and now that he knows Tae knows what he does, he doesn't have to be as secretive. Tae is growing from being in a relationship that he actually has to work at.

We're never going to agree because you keep skating over the issues but it's fine to have difference of opinion. Newsflash Siyeon doesn't give it much thought. Victims are seen as funds to him. One pregnant victim left alive doesn't make him better than others. You are going to keep putting killer Siyeon above all other killers because he didn't kill a "pregnant" woman. Glad we don't know each other, killing might be excusable to you. Unless it is self defense, I don't condone it. I never put Teak on a pedestal because i see all his flaws but addressing those that put Siyeon on a pedestal above him. So far Taek has done far more for Siyeon than the other way around. Haven't seen different. "Strongarm into a relationship?" Lol Even Siyeon himself stated he could have left him any time but doesn't, wonder why? My whole point is they both are killers put making excuses for Siyeon is hypocritical...Peace and I am chill. Not going to address it anymore

I love yous, can be said easily. They are just words. Maya has proved over and over again that he truly loves Nemu. The weakest character here is Nemu. He is in the wrong. You love someone, you understand they have to work and thus will be tired especially with an important event. Nemu is indeed selfish. I really wish Maya would leave him. I want him to survive without him because it is obvious Nemu is functioning just right...If you believe the relationship started out wrong due to "rape", should have bailed a long ass time ago...honestly Maya has evolved a hell of a lot more than Nemu.

I beg to disagree. They've both evolved equally in my opinion. In a relationship, there is no weaker or stronger partner. In a true relationship both are each other's strengths. Both know each other's weaknesses, each others insecurities along with their good points. Both characters have often thought of the other, except in the earlier part of the relationship (some may say Maya was forceful to put it lightly). Nemu has often thought of Maya's welfare over his own doubts. He accepted Maya's friendship with Ruka, forgave Maya's abuse early in their relationship. Assured Maya that it was in the past. Maya has encouraged Nemu, and has tried to build Nemu's self confidence. This situation that was triggered by Ruka was not the first time.
This phase in their relationship will either break them, or make them stronger. Sometimes it's these frustrations and pain that bind a relationship stronger, if it can weather the test.
A great story, I should add, is when the author draws us into it. Makes us voice out our sentiments and opinions.

I'm sorry but I will also disagree.
The author really has made an effort to show both sides of the couple's thoughts and feelings.
While Maya has had such a big physical change, that doesn't mean that Nemu is far behind. Because what troubles Nemu is handling his emotions. Nemu was not a person who dwelled on such feelings in the beginning. He is right now in the process of discovering what makes a good relationship.. you know.. cuz Maya is his first partner.
Also, I love yous are not easy to say.. I'm speaking from personal experience. I honestly have a hard time saying it even to my family.
The value of the word does not depreciate because it is said more often, it depreciates when the feelings that are put into those set of words aren't genuine.

I like both characters. Nemu doesn’t speak out a lot about what he wants but when he did, saying he didn’t like that Ruka guy or whatever, Maya didn’t like that. I wish they’d really talk and trust each other though. Alsoooo, I actually only say “I love you” to my mom since I have intimacy issues, but I’m not in a romantic relationship so idk

Its difficult with the Ruka thing because it is effectively too late. He and Ruka aren't just friends they are coworkers. Maya can't just cut ties with Ruka right now. That's why he refused in the latest chapter and then later offered to cut ties after the project he is working on is done. It was a smart move for Ruka to connect himself to Maya through work. It was shortsighted of Nemu to let his insecurities build up like that.
I guess Maya saying I love you earlier could have eased his worries? But it's not like he doesn't say other positive things towards/about Nemu. And about the only important person in their life that doesn't know they are together are Nemu's parents. Even when Maya's dad found out Maya stood up for their relationship, and he did so in front of Nemu. I know its not the same as an I love you but you'd think it would count for something in Nemu's mind? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hidoku_shinaide/tr/a8ee981e1d9d2dfeaa95276db095c758_chapter-1/pg-6/
But when you keep reading apparetnly it dosen't?
It sucks that they can't be together as much as they would like but I don't remember seeing Nemu reach out to Maya as often as Maya reached out to Nemu these past few chapters. Like Maya walking Nemu home from his job. Or Maya popping into Nemu's class. Sneaking away to a love hotel. Again, it's not an I love you but it should at least show that Maya is invested in their relationship. Maya has been doing a decent enough job at showing his interest, but he's not perfect. If he hadn't fallen asleep this current break in the relationship would have happend later anyway because any misstep would confirm Nemu's insecurities.

Well this second couple. I do hope Pan and Qui get together. I don't want to invest in them if one of the couples will not get together, meaning them. I like their dynamic. Unless, it is Qui gets a bit older but they never lose touch and then Bam! New couple. I am alright with that idea as long as they end up together. I believe the author wants to give us some sweets since the main couple have a huge hurdle in front of them. Yangyang himself. Lol

I feel cheated. I feel that Yuki got cheated. He gave up his life for Haru who throughout the whole story kept on about Shigu. He has more scars and so Haru can be safe, he also stays away from him most of the time. I couldn't fully enjoy it. I would rather have both ran off together if that was the case. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

This one is slow and I don't really like the filler chapters showing them as a couple because it confuses me since clearly they are not together. I do enjoy side couples chapters though. I feel really bad for Lihuan. He has always been treated like dirt by others for his looks. (He looks damn fine to me. His height is a plus! Would love to climb that tree! Lol) I understand Yangyan because of his past and nasty family...But boy, you have someone who isn't playing with you because he's shown not to be a joking type of guy. He's been truthful to you. Being a coward will never solve anything and true love will pass you by. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Jiwon broadcasting that ending saying what he said to his viewers while also being grateful and the truth in his words, made me tear up. ┗( T﹏T )┛He doesn't need to hide himself anymore, he doesn't need to fill a void that was endless anymore, he doesn't need to hurt anymore, he doesn't need to use BJ Alex to justify his existence anymore...That ending was everything. Thank you so much for uploading and translating this gem. Thank you Manhwa writer because this was a quite a journey. (▰˘◡˘▰)
I happen to like uncle Pan and Qui. It is a change of pace and their dynamic is quirky. I want to see the redhead mature, and love, can actually do that. I'll be pissed if the new guy gets in their way. They have enough of that with Qui doing it all by himself. lol Obviously Yuyang needed to hear what uncle Pan stated too. Why are you all so salty? Read another until this one picks up where you need it to be then. It is obvious Yuyang needs some character development because he's stuck in past relationships and afraid to give "straight" Lihuan a chance.
Well, the point is there can't be any character development if the story isn't focused on him lmao or is that gonna be off screen too?
I mean it can, but I believe the writer is taking her time to flesh things out properly. Some people don't develop quickly. They need time, space and circumstances to get it. Yuyang is def one of those. People need to relax and let the creativity flow. People were saying the main characters seem real by the same token then things cannot "fix" themselves that quick. This is "life" and "drama " type of yaoi... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭