I have a real problem with people who turn down others saying I'm a man and so are you so let's not...But then has sex with a man...WTF! Lol How about just saying, I don't see you that way but thanks for the devotion. I also don't like how the younger guy continues to harbor love for someone who doesn't want him. Move on with someone who does appreciate what you have to offer. You know make them see what they could of had. I'm going to have to pass on by this one. But good luck! Plus the uke seemed like a seme to me...

were the same

it makes me angry

It's amazing how people have convinced themselves that Jesse is a poor innocent victim that loves Law...(⊙…⊙ )...Have we been reading the same thing??? Not excusing Law But Jesse has been manipulating him from the very beginning. Even messed with his mind w/o consent. He knew why Law approached him from the start, provided water and watched him flounder about to keep afloat for amusement. Law started naïve though with parents guiding him, granted not genuine affections but he learned. Now Law just wants equal footing and we are now seeing the facts that his parent along with Jesse twisted whatever genuine affection Law had for him. This is a very unhealthy relationship at best and none are clean....However blaming Law solely and acting as if Jesse is a poor unsuspecting young man is living in pure denial.

where? LOL cus nodody(here) said Jesse is an innocent victim..plus the majority is not still even sure about Jesse's feelings( the majority thinks Law is the only one who is in love here)
I think people has more sympathize towards Jesse more cos he is just more honest about himself (contrary to Law)
Law(himself) admit Jesse said you what he wants without embellishing things.
manipulator,mean,rude? yeah probably Jesse is all these things but he never hides that. When Jesse play his games, he even give you options and don't force you to be his slave.
Jesse is like "Do you want to play this game with me? good, you will follow my rules but you better leave if you can't. That is Jesse.
While Law is a sly fox who keep doing "things" excusing himself with multiple excuses..he really acts as if he is not making some bad thing (just wait for more chapters/updates ,you will be see his fucked up nature/mind a bit more)
Law is the type of person who will do whatever to achieve his goals no matter what.
He wanted to put Jesse on Moritat no matter what,then he did it.
When Moritat projects ended on chapter 33, this clearly shows Law put Jesse on Moritat without his authorization. That's why Jesse was angry and ask him why.
So yeah,Jesse is not a saint at all but I can said Law is on other level of insanity. At this point I would not be surprised if this is Law who killed Jesse's parents order to achieve his big goal.

Lol you are entitled to believe what you want. Jesse did put Law under first w/o his consent too so, you're mad because Law returned the favor? I repeat Jesse is a master manipulator. Law learned how to play the game and people are pressed. The student became the teacher. Surpassed too? This is not to excuse Law But once again this is for the people thinking Jesse is innocent or the victim. If it doesn't apply to you, ignore it. Yes people do believe that. We still have yet to see what made Law completely shut down or if he was behind everything. Another level of insanity? Until the WHOLE story comes to light I wouldn't give him that title. And even so...¯_(ツ)_/¯

we can argue who more extreme from the other[both of them basically]. who worse then the other, while the reality is....they both turn out this way not from the air. it their Environment and family that made them be who they are, that teach them that it is a good thing to manipulate people - they are the worse people!. [Law family (︶︿︶)=凸 fuck them!]
and people believe that cause of the first chapters, you can't erase them from your mind and say Jessa is horrible now bla bla bla. it doesn't work this way!!!
again, we started with Jessa POV and now we seen the other POV while knowing Jessa mind from the first chapters. to me, Jessa is brilliant and cruel. he always has a sharp mind, a sharp logic and thinking.
and while I can say both of them are the biggest manipulate people. I can get clearly why Jessa become this way, and why he's doing what he's doing. cause he is very honest about it. he know people will manipulate him, and they did in a cruel way. he was right in the end XD what is ironic.
and the difference between the case that Jessa pick his mind first - it was when he was much younger and more stupid.
while Law doing it while he's older and know what he's doing! so what is worse, to me is the the older case. it a very very very big difference!!! even if you deny it, and I"m not saying anyone here is better. just that the whole comparison is wrong in the first place.
I still like Jessa mind XD he is a genies after all for creating that machine from the first place. so yeas, it is a very good comic for showing us that bad and good is not that easy to say in life. both of them were the worse!

I get your point of view But you see, I see it differently. I think it's much worse for a young kid to be able to manipulate, be calculating and cold at such a young age (Most serial killers begin this way ) Lol. Means he's better at it. You expect that from adults not a kid. It s much scarier to me anyway.

I get your point of view But you see, I see it differently. I think it's much worse for a young kid to be able to manipulate, be calculating and cold at such a young age (Most serial killers begin this way ) Lol. Means he's better at it. You expect that from adults not a kid. It s much scarier to me anyway. Law learned as the years went by. You're right, that is a big difference. All I know is both have been groomed to be the way they are. I just think it's unfair to make Law the only bad boy here. We all know better. x) Oops I posted to myself like a noob. Lol

actually this topic come out in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, and show this topic much batter!!!
basically children, cause they young and pure tend and can be even more cruel then adults are. they have the possibility to enjoy killing animals, bullying, judging others, hurt them and hate them without even thinking about it or feel guilty or get that it is a bad thing then after they grow up and get married.
has young you are, the limits you have is less. which means, if you don't have those limits, with the environment the crueler you are. and yeas, some children, I seen a fucking 8 years old talking and look at others like they are trash! so yeas, the younger you are, the bigger the chance you can do much cruel things then after you grow up and learn that it is bad.
but that is also differences that children that are cruel can learn and get batter from what they were unlike the adults. they can change! unlike adults that it very hard for them to change [anime that show this was "Kodomo no Omocha" much more then the manga. with the teacher that decided that one kid in his class is "bad" cause of his past and treat him like he is a devil.]
of course the family can be at fault too, but I think that adult that know the limits and still doing it is much worse then the younger and stupid kid that just wanted attention and to try this new toy he created. but that is only my opinion XD
and in this case, after Jessa grow up we didn't seen much of his manipulate thing like he was when he was younger. well there was that maids case, but that cause the maids just wanted to fuck with him soo....yeas. actually he seem much more kind then he was when he was younger maybe? yeas he still clingy has fuck and possessive, but that help him feel not alone or a tool I guess. and Law like it XD I"m not saying Jessa is an angel, he still the manipulate cruel genies I come to love ^^ but not that much manipulate like Law is been now. since he show him his weaknesses what Law took to use for his benefit very fast.
Jessa could have get much more manipulate then he was when he was younger, but he didn't. so give him some slack and get that this is their Relationship, a circle of manipulation of the other without mercy or guilt, they both doing it when the other putting his guard down.
so I mostly blame the parents!!! they don't deserve to have children!!!

My heart keeps breaking for Jinha! I still want him to be done with Siwon...And if not then let Siwon be the one to chase now. I still can't forgive the homophobic slurs tears and all. Yup I'm still salty! (︶︿︶)=凸 Lol ...That Chinese saying that Anonymous kindly translated for us all, really struck and broke my heart further for Jinha. It's so deep and so true. (/TДT)/ My baby really needs someone to accept, understand and love him to give him a brand new heart. His despicable mother broke it to pieces But Siwon finished smashing what was left.

I am so TRIGGERED by this manga!!! What I desire and need to happen don't coincide! This makes you question yourself big time and that s why I'm stuck! (⊙…⊙ ) Help! Lol You know the sh*t he has done is beyond redemption But by god's holy power I want him to find peace and happiness. At the same time I want him locked away where people can't get near him! My morality is surfing in dangerous waters. (⊙…⊙ ) The sensei who's writing this knows how to pull your heart strings and morale compass at the same time and it should be illegal! (︶︿︶)=凸 Lol All I know is this isn't going to end well for either mentally or physically you're f*cked. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

I would lose my sh*t!
Lucaon is another King Seme! The waiting is slaying me slowly! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

It's cute...But seriously, what's going on with the main updates? It isn't dropped because we're getting side bits. I love seeing them especially Asami aka King seme But it's bordering on annoying to me now. Lol Still love them though! ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

It's actually on hiatus for years now but a new chapter will come out in Japan next month. The schedule is no longer regular though, it just comes whenever Ayano sensei will want to put out a chapter. If you noticed, each volume always talks about a "most awaited return", that's because it usually stops every volume arc.

I have no patience left for the uke!!! He keeps making fun of him being gay using derogatory terms!!! And that pisses me the hell off! SIWON FUCK YOU!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I want Jun to get himself a fine hot non bigot uke and flaunt him! I want him to throw out Siwon and never look at him again!!! If the mangaka makes Jun force himself on this whiny ass in denial wimp I am done!!! A kid has no control over his future Siwon no him disappearing wasn't a choice! Jun isn't innocent But calling him nasty names cause he is gay knowing everything Jun went through as a child...no damn excuse!!! (︶︿︶)=凸


Tortured how? He was showing him what happened. I know he is confused But that doesn't give him any right to say the hurtful things he says to Jun! Especially since he claims he loved him as a childhood friend. Siwon wants to be angry, fine, But once again putting someone down for who they are sexually isn't. He is in denial and can't accept what he is as well. That is one of the main reasons Jun acts the way he does.

I'm with you on that.

Jun disappeared for 11 years and didn't even tell Siwon what happened or who he even is.
He left Siwon in questions but never stopped chasing after him.
Siwon is straight (at least for now haha), how would he react to a gay man trying to chase after him? He declines.
Jun is like the smart asshole in class, if he really likes Siwon, treat him better but THAT RUDE.
A gay asshole trying to rape a straight boy who didn't know he was his childhood friend... and the victim is blamed? gosh.
Siwon is in denial I agree, both of them are. However, if I were him I won't even try to cope with a rude 'stranger'.
I apologize for rude language. No homophobic ideas intended. Pls don't get triggered.

He's just confused

You didn't trigger me but Siwon surely did. Lol Let's get something straight. (No pun intended) There has been no rape as of yet therefore Jun hasn't "raped" Siwon so no "victim" blaming here. When they made out whether Siwon was under the influence or not was Consensual. Once again no rape. Yes Jun is being a bit forceful and aggressive even when talking. Still that does NOT give Siwon the right to use homophobic slurs. You can turn someone down w/o the slurs...And I did say, "If the mangaka makes Jun force himself on this whiny ass in denial wimp I am done!!!" As in rape definitely isn't right either also, "Jun isn't innocent" and I am sure that one is pretty clear. Jun isn't a stranger and by now Siwon knows this. Jun has issues which Siwon knows because mommy tried to kill him then killed herself. Not an excuse just facts. Once again Siwon can be mad/confused and turn down angry crazy aggressive liar "stranger" w/o using homophobic slurs. That is my main point here. People have died for such hurtful words being said to them just as rape has done. (Which Jun hasn't done)

Once again that is not my point. My point under the comment I made mas specifically talking about homophobic slurs. Not about rape. One thing definitely does not nullify another. Rape is never okay and I never said it was...If homophobic slurs is okay by the lot of you then Yaoi isn't for any of you. Find where I condoned rape??? I clearly stated "Jun isn't innocent" and "If the mangaka makes Jun force himself on this whiny ass in denial wimp I am done!!!". Where am I condoning rape??? I am entitled to MY opinion as you are all too. Jun hasn't gone that far. What I don't appreciate is people dismissing what I wrote and putting words into my mouth. I see the wrong Jun has done and have not given him a free pass But I still can't stand what Siwon has been on numerous occasion saying about Jun's sexual preference. He tied him up (Once) because he finally snapped due to all the nastiness out the other's mouth on numerous occasions. Not an excuse at all btw. How would you like it if someone you loved and trusted kept calling you a perverted faggot? Especially after you made out in the past? Last time I checked and by experience of my own eyes you don't make out with someone gay, if you're "straight", due to being drunk. Siwon is in denial too. And no that doesn't give Jun the right to be forceful. Look I am not going to keep going around in circles. In the end people will side either with Jun or with Siwon. You are entitled to dislike Jun as I am to dislike Siwon for whatever reason. And you're definitely most right about defining rape. Now I need some tea. Lol (●'◡'●)ノ P.s to be honest they shouldn't end up together. Jun should get counseling for his anger and mommy issues and find someone who isn't in denial. Siwon should get counseling about being homophobic and then get with a girl. That would be a realistic ending!

Well then, the one thing I know for sure (covers head with a hard hat before people throw stuff at my me) I like Jesse less and less. #-.-) He is a master manipulator and either Law is still under Moritat or was for a while and he is starting to question it. He is playing games and using that dimwitted maid to make Law jealous. (Maybe he's banging her anyway) Everything is going to explode and come to light and Law will snap...And we all know what ends up happening. Still team Law! I like them rough around the edges sprinkled with a tad of vengeance yet still holds a bleeding heart! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ So sue me! Lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

so does that mean Jesse saw Law coming from his windows and scared the maid exactly when Law came? Idk it just looked like an accident to me. It didn't look like Jesse had planned it to see Laws reaction.
I decided to drop this one. I don't like how the writer is illustrating certain things and making characters seem one way when BOTH are the same. Despite people's view of Jesse being better, he's not. He's just better at hiding. Law is def more readable and even Jesse knows that but they both play the game. It's a dangerous game of push and pull. At this point it feels like going in circles in order to get to the present. Good luck though! Still #TeamLaw even though I won't see the end. (▰˘◡˘▰) Now bring the down votes! Lol Jk...
Shame. I get you but they're not exactly the same. You'll see that in 4-5 chapters from here. I hope you stick around for a while more because I promise you, you're gonna love the next chapter.
No! you're making it harder for me to wait for the next chapter!
Satan? Is that you? How much to reveal the final plot twist?
I have to agree with @J
I can promise you, you will not be on Law's team for long. Curiously got the better of me and I unlocked ch 50 and damn I actually regret buying it because despite not understanding a lick of Korean, Law legit freaked me out and now I can't get that lunatic blondie out of my head.
I just don't know, perhaps.
I am pretty sure Law will still have all of me. I know he's no saint But it won't change that Jesse rubs me the wrong way. I will always see him as the gasoline and Law will be Sthe match to burn it all. still #TeamLaw ;) lol