Yuzuru should have been the seme. He's hot and looks the part. The real seme didn't have any charm to me so I stopped. Lol

Yuzu was born to be drilled. Look at dem fangs and blush.

which ever is fine. I want the uncle though.

the senpai wasnt my type either,i mean the uke was hot af, but as seme i would have prefered the friend lol. im totally into bad boy image.

Go Siwon is such a TARD/TURD!!! Even after knowing that little gem has powers, he still thinks it's just a dream and has nothing to do with him?! (︶︿︶)=凸 This uke is about to take the crown in stupidity! Kang Jun doesn't deserve him! From the beginning using derogatory terms to fight the sexual attraction and to hurt Kang Jun, add ignorance and now idiocy to the equation???...I wish he would get stabbed! It was him cock blocking Kang Jun that gets him stabbed in the first place because of your jealousy Go Siwon!!! Asshole!!! I only stick around for Kang Jun anyway. He needs real, supportive, non ignorant, non psychotic love! Get him a new uke please!!! ╥﹏╥

Sorry for my english: I dont think that Go Siwon is stupid. Seriously, if you see in your dream the person that you ''love'' dye. You will note believe it, because you will be completely scare that it will happen. Yes he know the power of the gem, but his mind is frighten of the true. Is face when he see the poster prove it. And I dont think the ike is stupid, I am sure that if it was you you will react like him. Seriously, if a guy come at you and said that you are a couple and kiss you how will you react if you don't have any memory of him? I think the reaction of Go Siwon is truly well realized. But this is my point of view...

Glad the uke is a fighter...But he's an a**hole so I don't care if he gets abused.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ The captor is definitely acting out like this for a reason But it doesn't condone rape and abduction...Or maybe it does in the world of yaoi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭...either way I am losing interest cause they are all so similar now...

IKR :/ It's not only this manhwa...its everywhere! To name a few,'stalking and killing???', 'what lies at the end' are like all LOADs of sex but no actual plot (Later sort of does but isn't going FASTER). I don't just need smut material, sometimes I want some info to keep me reading, curious and wondering preferably a cliffhanger that has nothing to do with more sex.
I can rant but this what the audience reads, the supplier is only supplying what is demanded. I just hope this doesn't end like Moritat with a big SPLAT in the end and you go like "wait what, but I wanted more!"

did you genuinely just say that what lies at the end has sex omfg

i've read the raws and literally all they've done is kiss.

So while people are arguing about what flaws the main characters have, or if their relationship is based on a sick twisted fantasy or mental instability...I'm drooling over Hot AF King Asami finally making a return!!! And it's not an extra!!! Lol...Remember people this is Yaoi, not based heavily, if at all, on real life...But I have to say finding myself an Asami with the same baggage an dangerous lifestyle...I'd still spread them for him w/o second thoughts and become a ride or die bitch. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lol...Seriously Aki, get some training so that you can become an asset not a liability.

I'm living in a country that's filled with Asami type of men. Not all of them are as rich or attractive as Asami, but still same arrogance and personality type. Let me assure you, it gets boring after a while, especially when your jealous lover suddenly becomes your social media manager, stylist and bodyguard at the same time.

Yup, that's why I try to choose wisely when it comes to boyfriends. There are even some Asamis in my family, I haven't seen my cousin without a suit ever since he was 16. When we go out together they think he's my bodyguard. #-.-)

I make similar mistakes too. Generally I prefer kind of guys, who have common interests with me. In the end I realize I like them better as friends. Maybe I should go for an Asami type next, since we have so many of them in my country. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Personally I do fall for really kind guys as well, but only the really tall, smart, cute face, gutsy, and physically fit ones, makes the chemistry work great (who'd want to let that go into another woman's arms D:) for me while also having all the benefits of not living with a jerk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Really specific but I've dated two, the first one didn't work because he was gay ROFL.

The problem is that fictional Asami types make you wet by looking at you and give multiple orgasms with every touch, whereas real life Asami types have never taken time to learn about foreplay or what to do with a clitoris (if they even where to look for one). Find you a sensitive artist or musician with wicked fingers--someone who takes pride in singing the body electric. Oh, and that friend thing is nice too; I mean, if you are going for the long term.

Boring is relative. I think the real issue is that people should not settle for someone they are not genuinely attracted to or really into just because that person is nice. It's cool to have friends you don't want to have sex with. But if someone is sexy and a friend, bonus! And what is ideal for me is a sense that we are in it together--call it friendship or partnership or loyalty. It's nice to have a lover who is on your side.

But also don't settle to spend a time with a friend you're not really attracted to (because yes, there's also a level of attraction playing in friendships) just because they're nice. Spend time with people you also find fun.
That's pure common sense.
Lover etc. is the same, just with physical attraction thrown in the mix.
Going out with a jerk is the same as making a bunch of jerky friends. Usually people regret it unless they're the same as them.

...or Iason!

I know this manhwa ain't about love. Just twisted emotional and mental issues...But damn! How many times is the hot psycho Sangwoo going to mindlessly f*ck women in front of Bum?! This girl will probably get gutted by Woo or maybe finally Bum will snap and kill her for him which is probably what he wants Bum to do!!! I guess it says a lot about me that it pisses me off more that he fucks women hurting Bum in the process than killing people in front of him. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lol

they have their own twisted kinks apparently

Wasn't this the first time it happened though?


He probably had sex with the girl in the basement but not in front of Bum. If he did have sex with her it would have been before Bum arrived, as Sangwoo killed her shortly after Bum's arrival.

I don't know what's going on with these manhwas lately. I don't like the ukes. Why go to your "rapist's" wedding that obviously mentally scarred you though you were masturbating in his bed? To some it's proving you're over said person except you're really not. Crying in the bathroom then getting confronted by another person over another "misunderstanding". To me proving you are truly over someone is not blatantly showing up to their wedding. It's actually moving on with or w/o someone else beside you where the past doesn't affect you present. Obviously Sun Hwa hasn't moved on. He's trudging through the muck and still crushing. The baker which most are already crucifying doesn't stand a chance anyway and now being used to forget someone else.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ So I don't think I am sticking around for this. Maybe manhwas aren't for me since most of the ukes rub me the wrong way. (︶︿︶)=凸 Lol

I don't know. I feel a lot of this has to do with the fact Sun feels he needs to show a specific outwardly appearance to both his peers and his own perception of himself
So he forced himself to do these things because he thinks it's the only way for him as well as others to see him in a specific light, like him getting over it. People tend to do things that are emotionally damaging, simply because they want the rest of the world to believe they r OK. ╥﹏╥

But it's detrimental to him and those involved with him. So in the end what was the point? Better yet was it worth it? Besides he still has feelings for the jerk anyway and now he's projecting or at best once again tying to prove he's "moved" on using another's body. On the day of ex's wedding in which he failed to prove anything positive.

Easy there...(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Each person has their own way to deal with things.
It's just his own way, u know..
Eventhough it went in vain, at least he was trying.
Maybe if he were you, you'd get over with it quickly, but he's not.
And in fact, lots of people do this kind of thing too.
More than to prove that they are move on.
To state that even if some things won't come to our favor, life still must go on, whatever how heartbreaking they might felt.

I don't know about you, but to me moving on is to confront the past and the people of your past head on and show that you happy in your current life even after all their shit. it's not easy, but it better then to run away from them and live in their shadow.
I agree the Uka in this cause didn't move on, but that only cause of the scene of the "look" the groom gave him. Actually, his move of coming to this wedding is very brave for a guy who suffer so much that he had to drop out of school. I don't think he rape him either since he seem very into him even before going to his house, and there is something more in this that has happen that we don't know. but I don't think he drop out of school for no reason!!
and that other guy that said all this crap in the bathroom with the glasses, he have a really big problems if he think our Uka have it better after dropping out of school!! so fuck him, he just an asshole!
actually I find this work very interesting.

I do get that...That's why I said to me. I just feel like why prove anything in the first place? The fact that you're thinking about proving you've moved on, means you haven't.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ It still affects you cause you feel you have to prove something. And in his case he doesn't even go out or associate with a anyone (besides the baker now) so that alone proves he's a mess. So in reality. It was a mute point for him. He was never over a damn thing. Lol

I erase people, especially when they are no good for me. Lol I go on with my life and if we cross paths by coincidence or because of a mutual friend I am fine. Don't lose my cool, or nerves. I am casual and confident. That is how you move on, to me. They don't affect how I interact with society. The uke has let it affect all aspects of his life. He is an otaku. That's proof enough he hasn't moved on at all, but stuck in the past allowing it to affect him. So that is why I find it a mute point when deep down he knows he's a mess and still hung up on sunbae and the past. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I think it depend on the culture and the person himself. and yeas, some people need to confront their past in order to move on, I had a friend like that too that live in the shadow of his past so...yeas. for you I guess it easy to forget people that may hurt you, to others it's not! it all depend on the guy/girl.
in this Uka cause, I think it's about trauma that happen to him that make him drop out of school. and I say it again, trauma you can't just "move on and forget" it will always come back to hunt you, I think that he didn't move on is the trauma he suffer that make him drop out of school and make him hate himself. trauma need Therapy to heal, it not something you can just "move on" from. and of course it let him affect all aspects of his life, that how trauma works! something mast have happen in school that scar him and make him run away.
actually I don't see what so "wrong" in been an otaku, there is nothing wrong in liking anime, manga and other things. it's not about been an otaku, it's more about his Hikikomori [google it if you don't know] psychology problem that can be created by a trauma or other things that happen in his life - he burly can gut out from his house, let alone buy food for fuck sake!! now this is a problem that he need help from someone else. he can't fix it alone, he need someone else to support him. and I hope the baker will help him with that in time.
actually for someone that can't even go out from his house, and suffer when he even try, it was a brave move! even if it hurt him, it still improvement for him then to just keep to run away and keep recycle things from his past again and again. it is better for him even if it hurts #-.-)

Exactly, trauma that you can't move on from warrants therapy from a professional (which he hasn't done)...And when I say otaku I mean a recluse that is losing ability to interact with society. Not the liking manga and anime, cause to me that's fine. =)...Except he did run, didn't he? He broke down and then ran straight to the baker's arms to escape reality and prove that he's fine as long as he can have sex with someone else. O.O Anyway the bottom line to me is this, I will not be reading this. You and everyone else is more than welcome to and I won't be missed. In the end all the uke proved is that he hasn't recovered and the sunbae still has all the power. Enough to make him run, enough to make him cry, enough to make him have sex with someone else to prove a mute point. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I"m not forcing you to read it or anything, don't get me wrong. you free to read what you want, there is nothing wrong in dropping a manga you don't like[I drop KS]
I just don't agree that a guy that suffer from trauma can just "get over it" in one night. [-that would be stupid has fuck!] and you may think going to therapy is easy, but in real life most people that need it, choose not to go or admit they need it! or they go, and the the therapist that suppose to help them, only make them suffer even more from self hate and make the problem worse. so yeas, I don't think this guy who run away from himself can even admit he have a problem to go and treat it! that the thing about him from the start and people in general [he can't go out from the house and he didn't see it has a problem or something that harm him], but the fact he decided to try and confront them in the wedding, by himself is a big improvement. even if it did end up badly, I"m glad he choose to go there even if he only good at running away from himself and the world. yeas he did got hurt, and yeas he would seek something that will help him stand up again and comfort him. there is nothing wrong in been weak!! but it like they say, what hurt you make you stronger ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and that what I take from this.
don't expect the impossible, you can't recover from been Hikikomori in one night! Actually the term otaku, don't mean you lose the ability to interact with people, it the opposite XD. they interact much more with their friends then normal people with their weird hobbies. Otaku basically mean that you a weird person that have a weird hobbies, anime manga etc. nothing about interaction with people. it like you calling someone a nerd and say all nerds luck the ability to interact with people, what is definitely not true at all! XD and Otaku do leave their house, a lot to buy stuff of anime what our Uke could never do! so it's not the fact that he is an Otaku.
that will be Hikikomori much more, cause they are luck the ability to interact with the world around them and they don't want to interact with anyone. and that who our Uke is actually so.....yeas. I actually expect him to run and never leave his house, at last until his self confidence will come back. and even then I doubt he will leave his house or the baker for a while.

Siwon still gets on my nerves. He forgets absolutely everything. From wanting to draw so much, to his dad being an abusive insensitive jerk, to Jihna being his very best friend always there for him even though suffering his own worse hell, to having a sexual encounter with him as an adult willingly btw. Selective memory all over the place. Yes you can forget traumatic experiences But also remember them. being Kang I would just walk away at this point for real. I mean being in love with someone for so long just so that they can forget every meaningful encounter they have had with you. Childhood and as an adult. Sucks really.

I seriously agree!! I was just saying that as I read this chapter. I get as kids we forget things here and there but friendship and very meaningful ones are long term. They stick in your head like glue and for Siwon to just completely blank it out buggles me. I am hoping there is an explanation to this maybe a head trauma or something because no one shouldn't be able to forget someone as special to them as Jinha is to Siwon just like that. The kid is only in college where childhood memories are still very fresh.
Lucaon is Husband goals! ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Even when he's rough and a bit cold. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Sort i didn't mean to dislike to like your post
Lucaon initiated their relationship by raping him. Not exactly what I consider husband goals lol
Don't mind my mentality. x) I do stick to husband goals though...ლ(´ڡ`ლ)