Cleopatra created a topic of Skip to Loafer

I think sometimes we don't realize that in most cultures we have pretty fucked up ideas about raising children, where they are easily seen as the potential to be "a person" instead of a person who is already "becoming", or as an extension of their parents, while the parent's word is often forcefully the equivalent of God's to them. How often do societies reward children for obeying versus learning to exercise their own critical judgement?

It's a rough relationship, yet honestly I can't say I don't know people who haven't been in Shima-kun's shoes. I am curious as to what happened between his mom being this control freak hellbent on making her child a successful star and the meek person she is now who looks terrified to do something to get on his bad side.

Cleopatra asked question about question

So, I've been watching the Solo Leveling anime adaptation and somehow even though the animation is fun and the battles are cool it feels so... vapid and irritating to me, and honestly kinda worrying about what this says about the future of shounen anime? Like, these power fantasy protagonists are so shallow and irritating. It's like someone took A......

Cleopatra answered question about question
Lately I like making a monte christo sandwich It's a toasted sandwich but you dip the bread in battered egg (u can add some cream or milk in there but not necessary) before cooking it in a pan for a minute on each side (preferably u press down on it a bit while it cooks). Normally it's supposed to have just ham and cheese (u can also add shredded ......
Cleopatra created a topic of Antidote (Harusari)

it's disturbingly realistic, the depiction of abuse. It's not that the prick is upset that he's afraid of him, he's excited. His desire is all about power and manipulation, all fueled by his own fragile ego and inferiority complex. The fact that Sylvan is afraid of him just gave him more power to take his abuse further, yet giving himself as many excuses as needed for why what he's doing is not abuse.

Some people are so oblivious to their own vices that they turn like that the minute they learn they can get away with it. What makes it all the more tragic is how Lisbeth is so ignorant of it, only knowing his good side. Makes one sick, really. What I want to know is whether he basically is feeding him these meds that make him forget because he wanted him to forget his lover and it was all a ploy for him and his sister to take over. Ughhhhh soooo disturbinggg

I don't understand something Alicia says to Oscar and then thinks to herself, if anyone who got it can enlighten me. The official chapter on Tappytoons says the same stuff so I don't get if it's a translation error.

When she asks why didn't he just force himself on Inez to test him by his response, she has what seems like a flashback? And she thinks to herself something like "he wouldn't have done what he did if he had loved her anyway" "no man would ever destroy a woman he loves like that".

I don't get if that scene is her memory (as in she was violated by oscar), a hypothesis she made, or her witnessing or knowing something else. At first I thought it was her imagining something, but it kinda looks more like a flashback, and her words don't make much sense. Or is she referring to the fact that he tried to kill Carcel? Doesn't she know Oscar's a psycho? I was thinking that there's a weird chance, she remembers their first life and remembers Inez's treatment..? Idk there's many possibilities and I can't tell if it's vague because of translation error or on purpose.

Oh my god this man is so delusional it's infuriating!! But from his comments about how her memory is "too good" I'm getting the feeling he as the heir has something to do with the time reversal every time she's died, and he definitely remembers something, if not everything from their previous lives. They basically are both pulling a long con separately from each other into the opposite goals during each life.

She's already faced this much desperation, if he thinks Inez is gonna act all cute and demure and accept her fate after all this shit he's deadly mistaken! Go off girl!!!

Also Alicia is basically the cookie cutter example of a woman tyrannized by a patriarchal society that decides to take her misfortune out on another woman. This man treats her like she's a piece of turd and she's acting as if she should be grateful. Girl wake up that man ain't shit...


  • Author: Numa , ii
  • Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Smut

surprisingly real green flag seme despite the premise being omegaverse + escort service + seme being a semi arrogant model/vip escort and uke being a kind of traumatised shut in. Pretty cute!

If shit gets whack season 2 DON'T COME FOR ME

Do you guys think maybe in her second life the crown prince manipulated her brother into killing her husband?

We know he was surprised she loathed him for it and that he's usually protective, even to the point of helping her potentially kill the Crown Prince in her first life despite how it'd cost him his life.

I am not buying he did a 180 and just found her being with a poor commoner gross or disgraceful and that was all it took. Just some thoughts..

Sachi and Yuka, friends from college, are housemates and partners. Yuka, who is free-spirited, and S...

  • Author: Shibara Hiro
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / Seinen / Adult / yuri


Cleopatra created a topic of Private Call

seme was unexpectedly a real green flag I kept on getting surprised reading this lol
kinda cute tho the plot was like the side dishes to the smut's main dish lol curious what they'll do in a second season
Btw why is the father both looking real depressed AND extremely nice like it's not fairrrr especially when he gave that advice about finding someone who loves u damn that got me

oooof I am legit curious how someone ends up being that delusional

Cleopatra answered question about question
I'll pretend this is sincere from some young and ignorant teen and answer sincerely. Women get for the most part socialized differently than men. The issue with straight men who are friends initially then end up confessing is usually that they have trouble seeing a woman as not sexualized or as a potential romantic interest, therefore they end up s......
Cleopatra answered question about question
I'd say if you don't get it, that's a good sign for you. Most people end up suicidal because they feel cornered by life and see almost no value in living. It's not a rational state to be in. Just be glad you do not understand it honestly.
Cleopatra created a topic of Contradict

it's so interesting to me when a mangaka can create characters where you really feel the chemistry. Like you read BL and the plot is the best part or the art or the smut is the best part but it's rare for me that I overall just enjoy watching two people who I see as multidimensional characters and love to see them interact. Like these dudes are so fuckin wholesome I can't

Cleopatra created a topic of Dear Benjamin 1.5

For those not in the know, the webtoon went on hiatus because of a scandal involving the artist illustrating the story. Basically it was found out that they drew some pretty extreme shotacon (to my understanding, it involved toddlers, and some real kpop idols? Didnt want to fact check with that description tbh). The only way this would be continued was with a new artist. Obviously the old one was, morals aside, pretty technically skilled but this is the best you're gonna get and not gonna lie and say I am mad they dropped the previous one. Normally I don't care for scandals especially when it's about yaoi which is rife with problematic shit anyway but there is such a thing as too far lol

Cleopatra created a topic of Super Natural/Jam

at first I was a bit annoyed at the "WE'RE TOGETHER AND LIVE TOGETHER FOR YEARS BUT LIKE NO HOMO" plot at the beginning but it was interesting how it was explored.

Also kinda really realistic? Like how basically Daichi didn't overly analyze his sexuality because he just kept on telling himself "it's just HIM, I'm not gay in general!", but then with time and seeing his behavior and his partner's shift and how much this relationship was a big part of his life and thus defined him, while being a secret to others, he started questioning who he was and what defined him. That can be pretty rough, especially in such a conformist society where sexuality and gender identity are not as talked about, and it is considered shameful to not fulfill your duty to your family to raise a hetero family and have biological children.

I know I had an identity crisis when I was younger and came to terms with my own queerness. There's so much you need to unpack.

I always find it interesting how queer relationships are a lot more complex and reflective in some ways than hetero ones. What I mean by that is that for many straight people, the ways one dates, falls in love, builds a relationship have been told to us through stories in thousands of ways. Most people have expectations of what that relationship is "supposed" to look like, and also there is this sense that their partner should fill in for things they lack. Like, women are more "nurturing" whereas men are meant to be "relied on", women do housework and men have ambitious careers, women are passive and men are assertive during sex, etc. These thankfully are most antiquated ideas stereotypes, but many people still get trapped by these ways of thinking, even in little ways. It's the culture we have been raised in afterall.
But queer relationships are more reflective. When you have two men or two women or one cis and one trans or nonbinary person or even multiple people dating each other, these stiff rules fall apart. A very common joke in sapphic circles is "do I want her or do I want to be her?", which is a very common and real feeling that I honestly don't think many people in straight relationships recognize! Because desire is very complicated and wrapped up with identity, and that comes out to the surface (more easily) in queer relationships.

Thinking more in these terms, I find the relationship depicted here more interesting. Daichi's obsession with being seen as "equal" instead of "the woman" (tho they fuckin calling him the wife in the end >_> lol). Idk lots of food for thought ^^

Cleopatra created a topic of Rakia

that was so anticlimatic. Now in 2024 it just feels like these two should have finished us off when they had the chance
Also I cant believe they made god a woman just to have the plot twist that the comedy relief guy transforms into a Chad God without the perm and like... saves her from herself??? Ugh... lame. Art was great though, ill say that much

Cleopatra created a topic of The Golden Wife-in-Law

honestly I wouldnt mind the effed plot in terms of it basically being porn with some "plot" sprinkled on top, but apart from the fact that the art's bad she basically has the mental age of a 12 year old, so it doesn't feel realistic that she'll mature one day or grow enough as a character, because her issue isn't just "being naive" but "purposefully kept mentally underdeveloped and uneducated" like bruh that's a whole nother level of yikes!

edit: also is it just me or did whoever draw the cover just fuck off afterwards thats some bait illustration work right there

lol at this point this is a slice of life where these guys encounter weird minor problems.
When I heard this guy say my boyfriend I immediately thought uh oh does this guy know he's your boyfriend tho... >__> Stalker subplot visible from a mile away.. hope this doesnt get weird