Super cute, im so glad it got updated❣❣
He went for EVERYONE he left no mercy omg that was so funny
I only read this bc of tik tok, uh...
I low key want a relationship like this lol, I love the communication and how they're taking things slow, I hope he gets pegged next chapter tho
I love all of fujoking's stories, they all have decent plots and have very good character and plot development, I hope to see more from them
I'm so sad that it's over, it was such a funny and smutty story so I really liked it. I'm very proud of fujoking and the work they put into their stories. <3
even though the characters are frustrating to deal with, it's still very funny and entertaining to see how they react to stuff
The sad music I played during all the chapters made me cry even more
Okay last time I said to not hate the neighbor guy bc hes new, but I now give you guys permission to hate
Super cute, im so glad it got updated❣❣