Honestly, I think she has to now start to apply her common sense. I get that she is mentally disturbed. But being mentally disturbed doesn’t make you stupid. Even if it did, it’s not working out well for the story in my opinion. The premise of the plot is good, but the non communication is so over-the-top that it’s getting super annoying. She does not attempt to use hand signs communication, does not signal anything, and does not even attempt to understand the other person. Frankly, she almost feels selfish at this point. Not everyone Is out to rape you, lady…
I believe at this point the author should have made some sort of mechanism that she could understand the language. Either she learns it or there is magic or whatever. Like the chemistry between the leads is good but it is getting annoying and repetitive. There is so much misunderstanding that it’s boring now.
Why does it feel like he’s going to become the guy that says “I love them both so I can’t choose…” I’m going to be pissed if that happens.
I agree with U. I have a pretty bad feeling about the whole living separately thing. But I hope everything will be ok.