Justme created a topic of The World Without You

So basically two neglected kids who grew up and fell in love,only one of them is dealing with some really heavy abandonment issues?
Guys,he basically dreamed him,he always waited for him.
He just cant name his feelings,they were always so repressed.
If Yijun learns who Haram is : (*o*) lol an imaginary friend

Justme created a topic of Form of Broken Love

Damn it,they try to fix their issues with sex :(
I dont think either of then truly enjoys what they do,its more like they pretend,to hide from what truly scares them.

I hope he doesnt cheat,i actually hope they would talk more ;-;

Justme created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

They are so smitten with eachother xp

Justme created a topic of Yatteraneeze!

Kanae is a piece of shit. Masaki was a 7th grader? And his brother got jealous about him?
Masaki is a victim ;-;

Justme created a topic of Mic and Neo

I keep hurting myself reading stuff like this ;-; i thought it would be funny but it was so wholesome and bittersweet. Still happy in its way ╥﹏╥

Justme created a topic of CUFFED!

Well if they act so casual, he should have seen this coming ;-;
Mc is so naive ngl, like i cant with him. He just takes it. He doesnt have a say in it,he just go with what others decide.
I want to know what he wants,who he wants.

Justme created a topic of Koi to Retsujou no Serenata

So yall ignore what happened to him as a child?
Ofcourse he is avoidant and deattached. Ofcourse he wouldnt let himself be attached to someone.
The cheating was awful,but it makes sense he wouldnt know how to act unless he was faced with it.
It is a very shallow plot tho

Justme created a topic of Kaze To Ki No Uta

The way he didnt ignore him,didnt let him be a “problem child”, is so sweet,so loving. Trying to keep him safe and out of his head too. He loved him :/ and he was loved back. He was his friend,his lover,his parent even,did the job better.
Its so heartwrenching :(

Justme created a topic of Circle (Wang Zi Ying)

I love these two so much ngl

Justme created a topic of Cherry Complex

At least he confessed to Woobin

Justme created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Yuri and Jimmy <3 wild and cute

Justme created a topic of Hate Mate

Common Subin ;-; this sucks. He sucks for giving him hope,also allowing him to kiss him
Damn,i actually think Jun deserves better than whatever this shitshow is,its not okay
Place yourself in Jun’s place for once

Justme created a topic of CUFFED!

Whats bad is how easily he lets others do what they want to him.
Im not sure if he is naive or just dumb. But he doesnt deserve this,the way they manipulate him to fuck him.
I dont like characters who just go with the flow

Justme created a topic of Takatora-kun to Omegatachi

Me waiting for Takatora to get his head out of his ass and fall for him ;-;

Justme created a topic of My Brother's Lover

The actual one updated ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Justme created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

He does too much :/ what useless and abusive parents will do to someone.
Like Whyyyyyy, he doesnt need to go this far

Justme created a topic of Cherry Complex

Yeah suffer Hanseol (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ thats the spirit!!! Go find someone else to pester

Justme created a topic of ENNEAD

Seth talking to his hawk lol. Horus is so jealous ngl

Justme created a topic of Hwang Young's Misery

Oh so he has never been free to be himself afraid he wont be enough or purposeless ?
Damn ;-;

I cant deal with the fact he saw that horrifying scene and he just felt he could use that weakness?
The abused has higher chances of abusing, its how they know how to make someone theirs.
Its sick. Its really really sad too.
I dont think fucking him will help,attonement doesnt work like that.