Justme created a topic of Formless

Some couple counseling would help xp just saying

Justme followed a goer

 Yaoi-Hard addickt 
 beefy guys fan  haha

➽ My mind is a mess all the time,
this profile is a devastating proof✦

"Style is a reflection of it attitude
& ur personality" づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

01 04,2024
Justme created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner

He is so jealous (⊙…⊙ ) and he was worried too. Cant one guy just say he is jealous without being so indirect about it….like please

Justme created a topic of Red Mansion

I cant pick between the novel or the manhwa? If anyone has read the novel,is it better?

Justme created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

Not as bad as murdering someone, but he was quite manipulative lmao
Using his position and also his situation isnt that greeny as u make it.

Justme created a topic of Missing Love

Anywhere to read it in spanish? T-T

Justme created a topic of Another Lie

I love how he feels shocked when he is loved…in a good way. Its good for him,to see he isnt the worthless guy people make him as.
To be loved is to be changed !!! Sometimes is all you need,that push to stand up for yourself,cause he is clearly a badass xp

Justme created a topic of Cherry Complex

Woobin hurt is my roman empire. He is so insecure :/

Please stop judging people for liking the second couple,its like their business.
People love to see red flags obsessed ,its not news.
I dont think people like the fact he raped him,unless someone is having some issues themselves.
Insulting people doesnt make anyone superior,isnt it better to help readers see how wrong he was,that its not some cute obession and he needs to he held accountable? And its okay to wait for it to get better?
We are all here reading some toxic bl,like common

Also im annoyed at redhead wanting to part ways the “right way”
Just block him and move on

Justme created a topic of Neighbor

Nate needs to leave Julian asap…..my God i hated each second. What is love in their dictionary? The lack of respect and trying? Like let Nate go

Justme created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Him calling him a slut when he just did what he want with him :( where does he find the right to treat him like that and act like he is better?
He insults him,breaks his heart over and over again.
I just want to see him in love and loved ┗( T﹏T )┛ he is so traumatised,he doesnt even react properly at what was done to him
He hides after the idea of loving sex,he just hides and acts like it hasnt tormented him

Justme followed a goer

29 03,2024
Justme created a topic of Star Struck

So she is fine with Inkyu gossiping,but Yujae is evil….

Justme created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

Well its time dad comes and saves them ;-;

Justme created a topic of Paper Flower

Yall wishing that on him can die and Yooyoung should live…..like plz,he needs to be happy or all this was just pure hell. He deserves to smile and be happy. He is the most gentle soul. He loves a monster and he suffered for it. And the monster loves him. He had to lose him to accept the obvious
Him stabbing himself tho,deserved. His despair is nice to see

Justme created a topic of Another Lie

The fact they knew Minjae was raped by im guessing his adopting father ;-; and they didnt care and still have the guts to insult him.
He is in love with his disgusting brother isnt he? They are trash

Justme created a topic of Red Mansion

The only thing in the way of their happiness is the lack of therapy.
Like damn it, they can have happiness,but they dont know how.
They lack the healthy ways to express it,to win it or keep it. The way they need eachother,but dont know why.

Justme followed a goer
20 03,2024
Justme created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

Yona is doing all Chang-il wants, how he wants it. He never forces him and i think he doesnt know how to help him other than giving him what he needs.
Doesnt mean they are doing okay,but after all that went down,they are doing fine and are safe.
Like the bad guy isnt Yona,the consensual sex they are having isnt the problem either. Like he copes that way and he actually wants it.
The problem is the trauma Chang-il has, that either of them can handle. The bigger problem is the guy who pimped him.

Justme created a topic of Backlight

Seo-in and the fact he is dying to date his manager lol
He was upset when Yeonwoon told him he also got swept up with him, he didnt like that at all.
He was spouting things to makes him feel bad just to hide how jealous he was,to the point he wanted to see the footage.
He is manipulative,but also ignorant of his feelings. He wouldnt want to be vulnerable with Yeonwoon

Justme created a topic of Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu

Hikaru seems like he is able feel sometimes ;-;

What if Hikaru was never normal,what if in the mountains he just “transformed”
Cause even if its not romantic,he seems to care for Yoshiki,his memories arent lost

Im scared Yoshiki will have to stop Hikaru in the end