1 photo
4 days created

Reasons I'm unable to develop feelings :
1. They left me with the debt
2. They aren't taking my health into consideration
3. They made me awkward
4. They aren't there for me
5. They don't have any respect toward me
6. They are taking my time
7. They are noisy, I can't rest
2 photo
04 02,2025 created

1693 photo
25 09,2024 created

453 photo
14 01,2025 created

738 photo
18 01,2025 created

1 photo
03 02,2025 created

645 photo
08 01,2025 created

1 photo
03 02,2025 created

85 photo
25 09,2024 created

623 photo
20 01,2025 created

131 photo
10 01,2025 created

121 photo
15 01,2025 created

64 photo
01 02,2025 created

712 photo
14 08,2024 created

3 photo
10 01,2025 created

352 photo
14 05,2021 created

18 photo
22 01,2025 created

22 photo
20 01,2025 created

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