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Rukachi July 21, 2021 3:36 pm

Uggh I know it's fiction yadda. But I felt so uncomfortable at chap 86.

Fyi, this is actually an assault. But, it's just a story so, for you all in the REAL life, here you go : You have to wait for someone SOBER showing/saying consent before doing anything to them.

Rather than sex, try to imagine the situation with tea : is it ok for someone to pour tea in your mouth directly when you're sleeping ? Err, nah, you'd choke. And you don't necesseraly want to drink tea when you wake up.

However, if your partner and yourself talked beforehand about this kind of things, then, it's ok.

Not because it's ok with YOU that it is ok with someone else. Better safe than sorry, don't do it. Period.

    Nicole July 21, 2021 8:25 pm

    Lmao you need to chill

    Nicole July 21, 2021 8:26 pm

    If you read the book she’s okay with it so there’s consent and they’re married

    Rukachi July 22, 2021 11:10 pm
    If you read the book she’s okay with it so there’s consent and they’re married Nicole

    Hey, I'm talking about real life. I exactly specified it's a fiction so we don't need to focus on that. I meant as "if it was to happen in real life : don't do it"

    Also being married/in a relationship/yadda, first, doesn't mean you must have sex, second, isn't a pass to try to turn on your partner when they're unconscious.

    I read the manga, she's sleeping at first. It's not okay there. Then, when she woke up she was fine because it's a fictionnal story, obviously she'd be fine.
    That's why I wrote "in real life"

Rukachi December 20, 2020 12:02 pm

Haah this story is refreshing compared to really mainstream shōjo romances, can't wait to read the next chap ( ̄▽ ̄)

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