Self-explanatory, really.
84 photo
25 07,2020 created

Pictures that I think are beautiful, or impactful.
This album was SUPPOSED to just include black and white manga but there will be a few colored pages scattered about, just because I have absolutely no self control.

I regularly mix this up, don't expect this to be organized or anything.

1166 photo
19 04,2020 created

88 photo
22 06,2021 created

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anyone dying because of cuteness.

If you want, you can try asking for the sauce
484 photo
16 08,2020 created

She's beauty, he's grace. They'll both punch you in the face.

okay some of these guys only redeeming feature is their face, just... be warned

no NSFW !!

[serving face... and potentially time in prison]
391 photo
24 07,2020 created

pretty pictures. things i love
318 photo
20 10,2020 created

felix robane. aka best boy supreme

felix is and always will be best boy, anyone else daring to argue can fight with my fist. lucas and ijikiel? claude? we don't know them.

ugh he's just so ...... so cute n cinnamon roll-y but badass and wields a fucking sword like a big stronk teddy bear and i can almost guarantee he's a cuddly drunk


sauce :: Who Made Me A Princess (WMMAP)
45 photo
05 10,2020 created

whatever lol
64 photo
09 09,2020 created

made by the same angel who brought us star x fanboy, i present the new bl: either butler love or house love.

link to kr lezhin chapters:
author's twitter:

can you tell i'm hyped because i'm hyped and holy shit this was all i wanted hallelujah these characters will be my new heart and soul
36 photo
01 10,2020 created

chumggggg is the creator of star x fanboy and the best person alive. do not argue with me about this, i know i'm right.
their twitter:


please love them
49 photo
02 10,2020 created