Just finished reading Radiostorm, please recommend me more bls with compelling storyline

Read these two in this specific order, tho not a sequel they're kinda connected, also don't be put off by the art at the start, it changes for the better in just a few chapters :
Song of Reverberation
The Promise
also :

You ever had to pause on reading cause you realize the manhwa is written like a wattpad story?

I've been aware for a long time that most bl/gl/sl are like this. That's why they're easier to read. They are good for relaxing. I don't read toxic series much but I think they are also good for experiencing catharsis and stuff. In the end, important thing is whether it gives you enjoyment while reading, rather than the quality.
Gotta get this off my chest, i hate japanese mangas published in longstrip format. The panels and text always look so blownup, i get ticked off whenever i try to read them
I agree, whenever I see that webtoon format I immediately close the tab and stop reading