fullfledgedfish want to do ( All 1 )

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fullfledgedfish's experience ( All 0 )

fullfledgedfish's answer ( All 5 )

about lmao
I'm surprised people even have drama here like, I've been on this site for over two years or smth n i found out that people can ask questions last month   reply
25 04,2021
about lmao
Not into the gays   reply
23 04,2021
Kool girl by seasalt   reply
08 03,2021
Me too   2 reply
01 09,2020

fullfledgedfish's question ( All 1 )

about question
My list:

•lady baby: main character is a Mary sue and her level on the "I'm special" scale jumps from 15 to 500 arbitrarily. it just feels like someone wrote it with the thought of them as the main character, and wanted to feel special

•love is an illusion: the main character is hella annoying and rude, especially in the beginning. I genuinely think that if he was a girl, everyone would agree with that

•the fake princess's op bunny: its another one of those "I'm different from other girls" that makes other women seem dumb to glorify the main character, and then has all the men drooling over her. Then to make it worse, it brings up how troublesome she finds her life every other panel.


There's a lot more, especially w BL because of all the raped shit they do in it that everyone is okay with for some reason, but i can't remenber
27 05,2021