♡(> ਊ <)♡
Also for the part that you had to mention at the end of the chapter, I think it would've been fine if you said "It seems that you disliked my invitation."
It's not an exact translation, but the meaning and impact is still there.

I agree. It’s a slang word of because. People, usually in western countries, use this when they’re talking casually. They rarely used “ ‘cause” in written because it doesn’t sound formal and it’s meant for casual conversations. Still, you can write this since it’s a shortcut and it shows the same context like gonna, imma, etc... (⌒▽⌒)

I agree. It’s a slang word of because. People, usually in western countries, use this when they’re talking casually. They rarely used “ ‘cause” in writing because it doesn’t sound formal and it’s meant for casual conversations. Still, you can write this since it’s a shortcut and it shows the same context like gonna, imma, etc... (⌒▽⌒)
I'll pretend that's the end