*SPOILER* (kind of? what happens in Ch. 21)
TLDR: Eui Joon, Geon Woo's interest in you is not a requirement for him to take care of you during sex. That should happen regardless of what his interest in you is.
I'm sad that Eui Joon thinks he can only receive care during sex if people are interested in him. Eui Joon baby. Romantic interest isn't a requirement for treating you kindly and with respect. As a person you deserve to be treated with care and that means removing your watch to make sure you don't get hurt during sex. You need to not let anyone in any situation treat you less than that.
I am starting to get tired of this theme where the protagonist thinks that if the other person isn't romantically interested in them then they wouldn't treat them kindly or care for them. Or in Eui Joon's case, where he doesn't think he needs it because he doesn't think him and Geon Woo are going to be together anyways. It perpetuates this idea that people don't need to try to be caring and respectful of boundaries during sex (and other areas of interaction) unless the other person is their romantic partner. For example, one night stands. Like no that is basic human decency and everyone should be treated with care and respect regardless of who they are to you and in every situation. Eui Joon you need to demand that regardless whether it is a serious relationship or a hook-up.
The flip side of it is when people assume romantic interest if a person shows them kindness and care, which can lead to its own set of problems and misunderstandings. Care and respect should be shown because the other person is a human being and shouldn't be used as indicators of romantic interest imho. Because too often people don't do it because "I'll do that if they are my significant other." If someone wants to know if the other person is interested or not then communication is key!
Sorry for my rant lol I feel very strongly about this. For anyone who has read this to the end, thank you!
Thank you tofu for your translations! You did a great job! I don’t know if you’ll see this comment, but wanted to let you know all the same.
I also wanted to say that the meaning was very well conveyed in the last chapter of Hiromichi’s revelation. Especially the words “it’s not even funny” I think that truly hit the message home about him realizing it. I’m not a gay guy, but it truly tore at my heart strings to see Hiromichi cry and say the words “I slept with a man”. Aah it was such a bittersweet moment. The realization and joy he might have felt about finding out he wasn’t crazy and his sexual identity was real. But then there might also be despair because of what it would mean for him and his family. So many complicated emotions and feelings. Sorry for my ramblings, these thoughts just went through my head when I read that part.
Thank you for your kind words! And i agree with you, it's a complicated scene, both sad and hopeful at the same time.
Aah I am happy you replied! Hope you have a good rest of your weekend!