cigarette created a topic of Mary Jane

if i was ice dr doh and me woulda been tussling cus im not about to apologize to somebody for doing what they told me to do like take that shit up w mj not me! staring me down and shit

cigarette created a topic of Waterside Night

masterclass right here

cigarette created a topic of Mary Jane

i love it that mj isn't instantly cured by being in a relationship w doc and i love that doc is constantly grappling w what it means that he fell in love w a mentally ill patient that is obsessed w him.

cigarette created a topic of Driver's High

like i feel like the author should give more hints beyond everyone thinking its leo's fault.

cigarette created a topic of Saturday's Master

i still maintain that mc standing up for himself wont last long

cigarette created a topic of Hidden Depths

black hair dude >

cigarette created a topic of Limited Run

i love when sex scenes include shots like that. the moments of intimacy >

cigarette created a topic of Night Song

shit finna get ugly

cigarette created a topic of Waterside Night

not he finna baby trap him he really thinks he ran away cus the baby gone

cigarette created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

je-oh and heesung are very similar people. she saw some of the same qualities that she possessed in je-oh just unrefined (which is why she set him up). it makes sense that they fall for the same guy. and also makes sense ( i THINK) why the jealousy in seongrok bubbles up so easily w je-oh when he feels like jeoh is leaving him behind, because heesung did that.

cigarette created a topic of Driver's High

so what killed it?! give me all the info now!

grandaddy seem like he gon die later on in the story and ml wants this child bc he knows his time is limited and he plans to die soon too. like oowee

cigarette created a topic of Saturday's Master

he not standing on business for the right reasons !! he doing all this bc ml met up w a woman. in a way maybe its a blessing in disguise so he can leave mr. han alone but at the same time.....idk its not the right foundation and it has like a 90% chance of crumbling

cigarette created a topic of Dear, 00

cant eve read minds...

cigarette created a topic of 2020

the boy seeing him covered in blood and now realizing that he might have fallen in love w acrooked guy is alone enough to throw angst in their relationship. not only is he a loan shark, a group of people that have contributed greatly to his traumatic childhood, it also seems that he may be in the drug business, there might be mafia involved etc. thats enough to cause a riff, decent angst, and heartbreak in the relationship: falling in love with a guy, seeing he may not be what you thought he was, trying to figure out who the real him is? great story and the set up was working perfectly until the last few panels. at most this scene should have been a "ima say some mean shit to you so that you stay away from me and then let you go". im tired of authors acting like rape/sexual assault isnt a very deeply traumatic thing to inflict on a person, especially when its done by somebody that you trusted/love/care about. and im supposed to just ignore how fucked up it is. rape is so common in these stories it doesnt even hold the emotional weight and impact it should for the audience and thats so annoying to me.

i think what would make this occurrence a lot less annoying is if these authors leaned into the shittiness of it all more if that makes sense? like idk how to explain it but dont make the ml do shitty things and then try to gaslight me 10 chapters later. thats why i feel like possessive,obsessive behavior and even borderline abuse, while still bad, comes off alot "better" in the darker, gritter, more noir-like stories where the characters are navigating heavy grey area and the author doesnt shy away from that. instead u reading a pretty light story, expecting light to medium angst and then BOOM: rape.

cigarette created a topic of Night Song

i knew he was homophobic i didnt think he was gonna be a TRAITOR

cigarette created a topic of Driver's High

-if its amnesia i really might stop reading
- knowing how he is why would they think that having his ex boyfriend tell him to do something was a good idea?
- not he was so stubborn he got into a accident
-predictable but still good that where everything started going right 5 years ago (italy) is where it all starts to go entirely wrong.

cigarette created a topic of Driver's High

im on jj side but i dont hate leo! im sure they are going to show the point in there relationship where jj started feeling like he was being taken for granted. so lets be a bit patient

cigarette created a topic of Dear, 00

they made it seem like the medicated guiding was so much better like at that point just kill me

cigarette created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

i feel like that argument coulda been sparked without him getting raped !! bc in this argument u can see how much they care for one another and all that but its overshadowed by the rape and its just so