in the notice they already mention fortune cookie, which on average i got 375 ink a week. and with 1 tap the episodes only take 350 ink per episode. other way is sometime there's offer in the inbox massage, to read 3 episode for ink (actually if you don't want to read it, you can just switch to the next chapter ( use the > next button) and do it till you reach episode 3)
fuck that's beautiful. Idk if it's bc the way it's written but i understand the feeling, atmosphere and the seriousness of the problem. I usually only have vague understanding of the problem and can't really "feel" the story cuz of language barrier. but this be making breaking my heart in two without breaking it
I feel like author just want to write 2 (pseudo) brothers hate fuck (rape) in a dungeon. pacing is way off. progressing story line? never heard of em