So jellyfish appear as yoohyun for yoojin, how about hyunjae? Im curious to se if...IF jellyfish appear as yoojin ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Spoilers!...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Well actually Jellyfidh is going to appear in front of SHJ in like 10 chapters or so. And it DID take HYJ's appearance :3

Anyone recommend me manhwa with male mc with sweet father who openly express his affection to his son like this manhwa

there’s one about a noble boy who slept through half his life, dreaming of a swordsman who keeps only slashing with the same movement. I remember met a magic black cat and become a swordsman, then travel with a troll and a bunch of nice school friends
The title evades me, but his family is super supportive despite all his issues

I was thinking of https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_lazy_prince_becomes_a_genius/
But Estio had some nice things before turning rather dark ? (I haven’t read much of it after it turned too angsty for me. Thought, i might also remember wrong ^^;)

Can anyone share link for the novel? The one im currently reading translation's is kinda bad

Innread is one I like rn but it has limited chaps. If you message sfstranslations on twitter or Tumblr they will take around a week to get back to you but imo they have great translation quality. this one is ML translated but it's not bad https://dbgdbw.tumblr.com/post/683872055372939264/159%ED%99%94

So i've read the raw and..i think this is my 1st time no liking the seme(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

In chapter 17 we see Skylar having a nightmare about the incident in the classroom. The kiss with Cirrus brought back memories from his past (in middle school I think). We see a flashback of him in a classroom, blindfolded and another boy is kissing him. I'm not sure if it was entirely consensual.
He wakes up and starts throwing up in the toilet and wakes his sister. He begs her not to tell their mother about what happened. Skylar keeps thinking about the dream and his kiss with Cirrus. He gets so worked up that he chews his lip until it bleeds. At school the next day he is so tired he falls asleep during his midterm exams.
The next day the teacher calls Skylar to the teacher's office to give him shit over failing his exam. Skylar is devasted. Afterwards he goes to PE class where the teacher asks Cirrus to explain the rules of badminton to Skylar as he arrived late. Skylar fantasies about smashing Cirrus over the head repeatedly with the bat (lol). Cirrus tries to talk to Skylar but he ignores him and asks the teacher if he can be excused as he feels sick. Cirrus goes after him. He assumes Skylar is acting weird because it must have been his first kiss, so he tells him not to take it so seriously as it was just a joke and didn't mean anything. Skylar snaps and punches Cirrus in the face.
The two of them argue back and forth. Skylar yells at Cirrus, blaming him for his poor exam results. Cirrus taunts him further saying he must have *really* enjoyed the kiss if he couldn't even study. But when Cirrus mentions Chan-il it seems to be the last straw for Skylar. He looses it and punches Cirrus in the stomach. Cirrus grabs Skylar and is about to hit back when he notices two girls walking down the stairs. Cirrus pretends like they were just messing around and starts to leave but stops when Skylar asks why he is so concerned with what people think of him and protecting his image / reputation. Skylar says that, in his eyes, he just looks "pathetic". Cirrus turns, grabs Skylar by the collar and pulls him really close. He almost kisses him again, but Skylar freaks out and turns his head. Cirrus pauses then pushes him away calling him a liar because Skylar is scared of him.
Later Cirrus meets up with Chan-il and his other friends. They go for food but Cirrus can't eat. He keeps starring at Chan-il and wonders what Skylar likes about him. He imagines how differently Skylar would have reacted if it had been Chan-il who kissed him and the thought seems to irratate him.
In chapter 21 the class are going on their school trip. Skylar is angry when he finds out that Cirrus changed the group names before handing it in and is now part of his group instead. Cirrus thinks about how he originally did it because he thought it would be funny to mess with Skylar, but now he wants to use it as a opportunity to get back on good terms with Skylar. When they are going into the hotel room Cirrus offers to help Skylar with his luggage but he refuses his help. In the room Cirrus keeps trying to make conversation but Skylar tells him to leave and go back to the group he was originally supposed to be with.
Back at Skylar's home his mum is cleaning his room while he is gone and finds his recent exam results. Behind his books she also discovers that Skylar has been hiding his medicine. From the amount he has stowed away it's clear he hasn't been taking it for quite a long time.
That evening, back at the hotel, Cirrus walks into the bedroom as the boys are pushing the beds together. When asked what they are doing they say it's because there isn't enough room for everyone as the room was only intended for 5 people, not 6. Cirrus is horrified at the thought of sharing a bed together with 5 guys. Skylar speaks up saying he will sleep on the couch and walks out of the bedroom with a pillow and blanket.
Later that night Cirrus is sharing a bed with one of the boys, but can't sleep because of his snoring. He turns away from him onto his side, but as he does this the guy also turns and grabs Cirrus. He snuggles in close to him and even thows his arm and leg over him!!! This scene was so funny because the guy actually starts humping him in his sleep (Cirrus' face is priceless!!!! lol). Irrated, Cirrus leaves the bedroom and finds Skylar asleep on the sofa. He stands looking over him for a while with a soft expression on his face. Skylar looks sooooo pretty and peaceful while he's sleeping! But then Cirrus kicks him telling him to wake up and take the bed. Skylar glares at him but doesn't say anything. Cirrus warns him to watch out for the pervert lol.
Cirrus takes Skylar's silence as a challenge and is determined to see how far he can push him to get a reaction. Suddenly a phone starts ringing and Cirrus finds Skylar forgot to take his mobile (cellphone) with him. He has missed calls and messages from his sister warning him that their mother knows he hasn't been takings his meds and she's furious. Cirrus thinks back to the pills Skylar dropped the other day and wonders again what they could be for and if it was serious for him not to take them.
The next morning Skylar is in the bathroom washing his face when Cirrus walks in and turns the water off. He tells Skylar he is brushing his teeth first and to get out of the way. Skylar glares at Cirrus again and is clearly pisses off but refuses to speak to him. Instead he uses his t-shirt to dry his face, revealing his stomach and chest. Cirrus is totally caught off guard by this!!! Lol.
And that's everything we know so far. The author was on hiatus for a few months and just returned yesterday with ch22. I just need to gush about how much I LOVE her artwork - it has improved soooo much!!! It's always been really good but now is even more beautiful. Cirrus looked really sexy this chapter and Skylar was so pretty (even though he looked mad most of the time).
Can't help but relating megumi's despair of losing his sister (even killing her with sukuna taking over his body) to my friend's depression of losing their father who was their only drive to live. I see it in megumi's efforts and fight for tsumiki. This also happens with friend since they have a bad mother, making it their father means everything for them.