I feel bad cuz I know he's going to choose yawhi even tho he's a toxic rapist! Like how come in bl people ship the most toxic people together. It's almost like they forgot that he raped jooin. I don't get how anyone can like him. I like Cain because he hasn't don't anything remotely similar or caused any problems so far. TEAM CAIN!

I getting disgusted by these comments ( ̄_ ̄")

that was me... but sorry for saying that. I didn't know author already sexualized him and I said that because I like girls so when I saw one of my fav characters in girl version I said it on impulse. I wouldn't actually do that. He is already depressed and i was being like the author without realizing. I am really sorry
team cain all the way!! yawhi is so annoying and clearly isn't getting what jooin wants. And he thinks he can just take whatever he wants when he wants it. Like that isn't how relationships work my guy. Cain is so sweet towards him and actually want to wait for him to be ready.