Honey created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Guys, I think we've been in the flashback for almost a year now ヽ(`Д´)ノ I've almost forgotten what the original story was about we've been here so long. And I PRAY that Brian doesn't replace Ian in the present, that's just terrible writing on the authors part.

Honey created a topic of Perfume the Memory

They're gonna give this asshole a redemption arc and blame his shitty personality all on amnesia trope. I'm so tired of seeing this play out that I don't even know if it's worth powering through right now

Honey created a topic of Jinx

I know we all knew it was coming, I just hope when he fucks his shoulder to shit and Dan finally grows a spine and leaves his pathetic ass, that the chase arc and redemption arc is going to be slow and painful, I want it slower than BJ Alex or I DONT WANT IT AUTHOR-NIM