i saw this scene in a tik tok but
does anyone know the name of a manga (this is just a scene) where this woman is on the phone walking down the stairs, and she trips into a puddle and breaks her high heel. and the man watching her was going to help her but she got up threw her coat and broke her other heel to make them flats?
i really want to find cause i deadass fell in love
I actually quite like getting to see the MC learn to live in the life of Sihyeon. He’s learning about his job, his day to day, and his members instead of other isekais where the MC instantly does okay in everything even though they’re literally a different person in a different world.
It’s more realistic that non-interesting stuff happens in between constant action.
Some people are just too desperate to see spicy action to realize that the focus isn’t on the MC and the ML, but the MC getting to live a life he wasn’t allowed to and completely relearning about the world in the pov (body) of someone else.
Yeah same here. At least for me, constant action, drama and angst will be overwhelming, so these little breaks are honestly nice. Seeing MC enjoy the mundane things of life and adjust to a normal lifestyle is relaxing, especially compared to how he lived prior. But to each their own I guess. For now, I'm enjoying the pace the story is going at.