Uh i don't think Mr. Han is THAT bad... I mean yes he is a player but like cmon be have so many player semes. I obviously do not ship him with param tho. And yall should stop hating on Param- Param and Hwi agreed that they weren't dating/ had no strings attached, so he don't really have a reason to reject Mr. Han. And Hwi just asked for a date, which does not mean that they are dating. In conclusion, no one here sucks (in my opinion) and everyone deserves to be happy. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Bye don’t hurt my man’s hwi like that for a shrimp little bitch that didn’t even last. Param is a little hoe who deserves to be with Han in a miserable relationship hwi deserves so much more then that little hoe punk. It’s not even he left for a guy that was better at segggs he left for a shrimp and at that matter one that couldn’t last. Hwi has done nothing but treated him nice and try’s super hard for him what does param do treat him like shit (︶︿︶)=凸
Am I the only one who thinks rhyme is hot af? Is my taste in women bad or something? ( ̄∇ ̄")
i really feel you, I found naomi (not 100% if that was her name, but the actress, in case you have read it the webtoon) from kiss me, liar extremely beautiful too! I just hate how the women are depicted in a rather obnoxious way - “looks” is really all they have sadly ... she’s hot but still a no haha! TT