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sarra1479's topics ( All 20 )

sarra1479 May 3, 2021 1:27 am

Okay so for the missing panels in chapter 9 to 10, basically Violet is unlocked from the closet and immediately goes to see Winter, who is in a meeting with some dudes. She says something like ‘oh I wish you had come to see me when you came back’ because if he did then maybe she would’ve gotten out of the wardrobe sooner. She asks to speak with him privately about something and he says it can wait. But she pleads with him, tells him ‘it’s now or never’. (I’m just paraphrasing I don’t remember the exact wording) and he shakes her off and is like ‘no I’m busy talk to me afterwards’ and they never talk. As she’s leaving to the party she walks past a gun display in their house, which then leads into her trying to commit su!cide and then comes chapter 10.
Wow I really want the ml to suffer. I want him to hurt like the way he hurt her. Can’t wait until he uncovers all of the shit that’s been happening to her and maybe they’ll have a proper conversation.

sarra1479 March 19, 2021 12:25 am

The characters are so well written. MCs reactions are almost scarily realistic and it really makes this manhwa stand out. Some hella plot and character building.

sarra1479's questions ( All 1 )

sarra1479 November 30, 2020 1:44 am

Hey I'm looking for some webtoons that revolve around a strong FL and her family? Like Lady Baby, Who made me a princess, Death is the only ending for the villainess... Any recommendations? I've already read the ones I already mentioned, plus The young lady is a royal chef, The monster duchess and contract princess, and I am a child of this house. Thanks in advance!!

sarra1479's favorite ( All 5 )

Yes 12-19 16:25
squirting 12-02 16:27
S 05-07 04:25
Sexism in manga + anime 05-30 01:25
are straight people oppressed? is heterophobia real? 05-01 09:04

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