Why was Andrew crying?

Because he had felt so much grief for what happened and he was scared to tell Luke the truth incase he reacted like the others.
However this wasn't true, Luke defended him despite not knowing anything based on his view of Andrew. Luke, the person he likes.
It breaks down the guards he had put up (he repeatedly acts like it doesn't hurt him) but when he sees that he can be vulnerable, his guard slips. And so he cries
The end <3
I wonder if he's being nice to the cat cause he wants to see cat lady
no actually the author drew mini sketches (before the main story) where Seth had a kitten called Simba that Anubis found and decided to raise it..seth really love cats and cute lil' things
That's adorable, where can i find those sketches?
Ohhh ok where r the sketches?
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