I wonder if many people's idea of relationship have been colored by fiction, where everything is perfect, couples are always passionate, always all over each other, etc. I really hope not, because chances are you will be disappointed when you are in an actual relationship.
Humans are flawed, very flawed. Relationship is not about perfection, but two people building and maintaining the connection, accepting each other flaws and making compromises. Asahi is not perfect and he will never be, Masaro accepts that, and that is why their relationship works. It is not about finding the perfect partner, it is about finding someone who can accept each other for what they are.

Lmao, the whole island murder mystery section is a reference to Kindaichi Case Files. For those who don't know, there is a case in Kindaichi that happened in an island, where everyone was stuck there, and a murderer by the name Jason is on the loose. Jason himself is a reference to Friday the 13th.
Also Kindaichi catchphrase is "In the name of my grandfather", it is a reference to Kindaichi's grandfather who is a famous detective. That is why the seme said that he could not have used his grandfather's name because his is just a farmer.

Here is the thing. Param is not a slut, nor is he cheating, BUT that does not mean he is not wrong. There is a reason why even Param himself felt guilty about the whole ordeal. In short, he is two timing.
I know people like Param in real life, where they don't officially date anyone, but flirt around and send a bunch of mixed signals towards different people at the same time. That ends up hurting a bunch of people.
If all Param wants to have is physical relationships, he needs to set that boundaries, meaning he should have never accepted Hwi's offer for a date. By accepting, he is giving Hwi the wrong signal. He also should have never slept with Mr. Han without clarifying what kind of relationship he wants to have with him.
Communication is key regardless of relationships, and in this case, Param fails really hard. He could not even come clean with what he has done to Hwi, neither could he face Han after they did the deed.
Is what Param did unforgivable? That depends on his character development. As of now, he realized he made a mistake. How he grows from it is the most important.

About the translation notes at the end:
Furagu wo oru, literal meaning, destroy the flags. In dating sim, raising flags mean you get character events. So in this case, Ritsuki wants to get rid of all the flags so Aoi won't get any events with the girls.
Ijiwaru na no wa wakatteru iya na yatsu da yo na, translates to, I understand this is a mean thing to do, a terrible person I surely am.
Furyou no ou means the king of delinquents.

Considering For Your Love, I think the reason for Yuri's behavior is layered and not as obvious as it seems.
In the prequel, Yuri has a good relationship with the Teacher. Yuri has always been a rude person and he is not friendly. From there we can deduce, he does not have many friends. So, Yuri must have liked the teacher to some extent. That is why when he saw him drunk, he begrudgingly helped him to get back home. Remember, this is Yuri. He is not the type to help people. Especially not when he was in the foul mood thanks to his Noona's marriage, but he did it anyway.
When he realised that there is more to the teacher's relationship with his brother in law, Yuri thought that his brother in law marriage might have been faked, and that his teacher is doing something terrible to his Noona. This part is fairly obvious, but what is not obvious is his response to the teacher's behavior.
The teacher looks kind and acts kind in front of others, so for Yuri, it is a major betrayal when he believed the teacher is capable of doing terrible things behind everyone's back, therefore he made the remark that the teacher is two-faced, the type of people Yuri most likely hate the most.
Yuri's terrible behavior can be stemmed into two things, one is he was protective of his Noona, the other is he felt betrayed over someone he used to like. Of course, none of this justified his action, as I believe the teacher did not do what Yuri believed that he did. It does not help that the teacher is too depressed to defend himself, and Yuri jumped to conclusion. But I think, Yuri is a fascinating character that is more than just a rude jerk. He is after all, the one who pushed Yohan into going after Moogyeong. The title Form of Sympathy might be a reference to Yuri's screwed up way of helping people.

I'm going to change my theory that Satoru's parents had a divorce to Satoru's mother died during the snowy day when he and and his brother waited for her. Maybe his father is a single father, that is why he is hardly at home, most likely working, leaving the two brothers fend for themselves. This is why Satoru mentioned that there is no one else in his life but his brother. He was upset looking at the snow, as though he recalled something terrible.
As I have suspected, Satoru is indeed fond of Shishio. He mentioned that he found his stay with Shishio fun. However, enjoying a person's company and falling in love, at least in Satoru's eyes are two separate issues.
When he asked Ayumu about what part of Hasegawa he likes, Ayumu answered everything. Satoru then concluded that Ayumu and him, despite their differences, are more similar than he thought. Perhaps in Satoru's eyes, loving someone means loving everything about them. This creates a conflict in his mind, as in the previous chapter, Satoru mentioned that being in relationship exposes each other's flaws, therefore he believes it is impossible for him to fall in love.
One thing I noticed is Shishio is incredibly gentle towards Satoru. I was expecting Shishio to struggle letting Satoru go, but he was very considerate to Satoru's feeling. Satoru's previous relationship ended because his girlfriend was unable to accept his flaw, that he is one who has trouble in understanding the concept of love, therefore terrible in expressing it. However, Shishio despite knowing this side of Satoru, he falls even deeper. If anything, I believe it is his gentle nature that manages to make the unmovable Satoru's heart to waver. Satoru has finally found the person who can fill the hole in heart.
This prince not only is horrible, he also has paper thin personality. Sadly, despite the interesting premise and great art, the characters are rather unlikable and the romance is non existence.
If anyone wants to read a webtoon that has a huge difference in power dynamic, I suggest reading Mayday instead. Vasya may be scary and definitely threatening, he can be funny and interesting, and most importantly, cares and dotes on his uke.