I am so torn between the empire and the magic kingdom.. Since birth of them have connection to einisha it would be sad if these two adorable follower of the archmage meet their demise in the hands of enisha's family... Though it would be awesome if the two powerful nation goes hand in hand.. Like combining their strenghts...

This story is seriously like a roller coaster ride.. The story is so twisted that tia was abused in a way that normal human couldn't seriously overcome by themselves alone.. She was humiliated in front of many nobles as he was treated like a thing that the sole purpose is to tend to the work of the empress bitch who is a no good at all.. Tia was diligently performing the task that isn't even hers to begin with.. She invested her life to a single person not caring for her own... Hell she was even raped by the prince /emperor at that time.. She tried to sympathise with the girl at first bit what the hell with crying bitch that she was slapped at the face... And the fact that she was pregnant and she was treated poorly by that man.. He doesn't even sympathise when she has a miscarriage instead that same man even rejoice knowing that emress bitch is pregnant.. While all knowing that she had miscarriage recently... Then he even proceed to make her kneel and kiss his shoe just to forgive her father for committing treason, well whether if tia's father really did it or not I am so fucking glad that their child died.. It is a small price compared to the suffering of tia... On the other hand tia was also executed then she told herself thet she would never love him if she is able tp re do her life.. Yet now that she was able to go back and relive her life she still loves the prince.. This is a big disappointment for me cause there are others who are willingly llaying their lives down for her yet she is a complete airhead and choose to get close to the prince allover again... Tia should evither end up with allendis or carsien.. Either of those two is good for her but it seems like she will choose the prince again... Seriously at this point of the story i am just reading it for the sake of tia's father, allen and carsien....

Indeed. The second's timeline Ruve is very different from the first one, but so what? It happened. The trauma alone should make Tia completely inconfortable when she is with him for the rest of her life. She can decide to forgive and not take revenge but to romantically be engaged with him is unbelievable. Reading the novel, there is other grave mistakes in the presentation of some characters. Like, Ji-eun is human so even when she saw Tia's life being completely destroyed she kept a feeling of inferiority toward her. It make her a rather dark character, but sure, why not. However, she couldn't even say "sorry" for everything she has done in the first timeline, and pro-actively went against a non-fighting Tia in the second timeline? She ony apologized once in the beggining of the first timeline for geting between Tia and Ruve. That is not "being human" or being "complicated" anymore but being a completly evil person. It make me laught that the author seriously tried to make her seem clever and simply 'complicated" in the second timeline and that others seriously perceived her as possible good "Empress material" when all of her actions betrayed her dumbness and were flueled by evil intentions. She is playing the victim card when evything that happenend to her happenend because of her own actions.

If he’s a different person in the second timeline, then it’s up to Tia to let go of the past and see him as the person he is NOW. You would have a point of her never forgiving him if they were still in the first timeline. Why do you think the author made the character’s personalities completely different in the second timeline? She can forgive him despite the shit that he put her through in the past and move on from it.

The empress ckearly deserves better.. That damn trashoe isn't fit to be with Empress... I am so mad that trashoe only talka about trashta not minding what his empress would feel then when prince heinly shows affection for the empress he suddenly steps in as if he is a good husband.. Like bruh i wanna stab him and crush his heart for telling that the empress is a cold hearted person.. He should know the empress better cause they have been together since they were a child and lastly why the hell he would keep saying that the empress would tarnish the royal family's name if she gets involve with the prince? As if he doesn't have a concubine to start with...

The story itself is good but I really don't see the need for perrat to have feelings for Vasser.. It is seriously unnecessary cause he is supposed to be his loyal aid whim been with him from the start, so wouldn't it be more nice and benefiting to the story if there is no love triangle between the three? And clearly perrat is for the princess so whyyy?? Also on the other hand PLEASE JUST TALK TO THE "CUTE MONSTER" been waiting for Vasser to listen to them cause what if they are the key to go bacm to her world.. Bruhhh you just need to ubring your laptop then go back to the novel..

I dont know if there's a novel so I have no idea if there's already a set story but I thibk perrat having feelings might have some importance in the future? It's been shown that there's a bitter feeling within him after seeing vasser with Kyte. And about the monsters, I SO WANT TO HEAR WHAT THEY WANTED TO TELL HER. ITS BEEN SO MANY CHAPTERS JUST LISTEN TO THEM.
Respect to the queen melissa.. Damn she is so badass.. I stan this queen soo much (☆▽☆) specially when she does this face (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸