pls, just one chance!!! JUST ONE CHANCE PLS GET DAT IN ALR PLZ
normalize calling yena "'yena bitch"
okay sry wat?? am i d only one who finds the manga weird?
eyoo?? the way manager eun just called the director loser put me off guard like brother had a side like that i ddn't know????!(⊙…⊙ )
i see.. so much better than that threesome
i missed wigrun ugh that threesome was also consuming my power, hug me wigrun!!
This will probably the 16383939th time of me saying this, JUST DATE ALREADY OML
Why do i want to throw my phone everytime i see something as cute as this. why is this manga making feel like a loser cuz im single. WAAAAAHHHH Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
athy introducing lucas as the tower magician = athy introducing her future husband
pls, just one chance!!! JUST ONE CHANCE PLS GET DAT IN ALR PLZ