I've never actually seen a cockroach in my entire life, but i have seen plenty if spider....I hate em'

I guess it depends on where you live... If you live in mainland Japan it’s almost impossible not to see them.
I’ve lived in the US and in Japan, but the roaches aren’t the same... like they have small brown ones in the US but in Japan they’re larger and greasy black and absolutely disgusting. And they’re fast AND THEY FLY AT YOU. They’re the worst nightmare for me. OMG

Even people who have so much love for each other can have a relationship ruined,when the people keep their struggles inside and don't share you think your protecting them and that you can deal alone but in truth all it does is stay inside you till it hurts both of you. Its hard to share but if they love you then why would they leave you for having thought like these or insecurities, or even past trauma from prior relationships. Love may be a part of relationship ships but a bigger part is also honesty that shows trust.....wow that was longer than i thought it'd be( ̄∇ ̄")
Fight, fight please don't give up(T_T)
I meant to like it :(
S'Ok ^^)b