She had her chance and frankly she was not fit to be his wife. This time around She should see how she should have treated his love, instead of selfishly wanting to have it solely on herself, I know how badly it hurt when your parents resent you it hurts, let's be honest she just not mother material. she wants to do this life right by having kahir only love her, she's selfish and can't separate a novel from the reality Shes in, so let's hope she doesn't screw herself over by trying to fight for over someone that deserves better

But I can't help but feel that she doesn't care enough for her life, yes revenge for the horrible things these people did is more than fair. Yet I'd be so mad if someone I cared for did this, its reckless and wonder if there could have been a better way to handle this. I guess since the problem was solved easily enough with the wanted results I should be happy for her but I'm a little annoyed at the FL just a smidgen. I am excited to see how they'll try to talk their way out of this, like send the daughter to jail..JUST HAVE HER SUFFER!!!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Does she hate her does she love her which is it?is she trying to protect her or hurt her? Please I must know