27yearoldfujoshi created a topic of Semantic Error

huhuhu i love this author so much! I'M SCARED TO SEE THE ENDING, I DON'T WANT IT TO END

27yearoldfujoshi created a topic of My Suha

Kinda sad how low Dohyeok as fallen but I had waaaay too much laughs seeing him asking to be fcked. I don't believe that people can change, even if he looked like he did for a bit, that thing the happened to him was karma bitch slapping him.

27yearoldfujoshi created a topic of Lucky Paradise

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was waiting for the best part! Hahahahahaha now then we'll just have to wait for that exciting part!

27yearoldfujoshi created a topic of Semantic Error

my gaslit ridden self is not accepting this cuddly lovey dovey moment. HAHAHAHAHAHA