Sarafffff December 26, 2023 11:06 pm

I love them so much they're so gentle and sweet towards each other I want more of this already

Sarafffff December 3, 2023 11:12 am

Thank you so much for this new translation! The old one was fun at first but it got annoying pretty quickly so thank you !

Sarafffff November 28, 2023 10:55 pm

How refreshing it is to find such a precious and wholesome bl.. I love these two and the little baby so much can't wait to see more

Sarafffff November 19, 2023 5:54 pm

Please tell me she's isn't going to do the whole they both die tragically and meet again in another life thing she did in most of her previous work this is getting annoying

    Celestia ludenberg November 19, 2023 6:11 pm

    True. Someone has a bias to 'lover in next life' troupe. I only read two of them other than this, and I'm seeing the pattern

Sarafffff November 14, 2023 6:36 pm

Wasn't a big fan of blondie, he's been creeping me out from the start but I hoped it wouldn't come to this, the art is gorgeous the story though total trash

Sarafffff September 30, 2023 4:05 pm

Yes stick up for yourself Hon, After all the shit that bastard put him through I want him to grovel, to suffer until he fully realizes what a disgusting piece of garbage he was to him

Sarafffff September 22, 2023 1:04 am

I posted a comment earlier talking about how I thought it was weird that they met when Hyo Un was still a child and that I hoped that Taehyuk didn't basically raised him just to end up in a romantic relationship with him because that would be extremely gross and apparently managed to piss off a few weirdos who decided to take it upon themselves to try to "explain" to me how "he isn't a child he just took on the shape of a human child and there's no age gap between the two of them" and how dumb I was for thinking like that, even though I was litteraly just making assumptions, but they litteraly refer to him as a child the entire chapter lmao ☠

    VRH September 22, 2023 1:17 am

    I’m not sure if you made this comment to just reminisce being jumped but I’ll say I actually agree with your stance it’s just that seeing as he’s only in a child form cause he’s mimicking the first being he saw i feel like the lines are blurred cause he could’ve easily turned into a grown man if that was what he saw instead. Tho if they do end up in a romantic relationship if the guy raised him that would be weird asf on the humans end, I honestly will never argue that. Alsooo of course the humans refer to him as a child, they don’t know what he actually is lmao

    Sarafffff September 22, 2023 1:42 am
    I’m not sure if you made this comment to just reminisce being jumped but I’ll say I actually agree with your stance it’s just that seeing as he’s only in a child form cause he’s mimicking the first be... VRH

    I meant the narrator not the other characters but I do agree that he could've taken on the appearance of a grown ass man or woman though I personally don't think it wouldn't have changed anything for me since no matter how he looks like he's still a clueless baby dragon who has everything to learn

    Sarafffff September 22, 2023 1:43 am
    I meant the narrator not the other characters but I do agree that he could've taken on the appearance of a grown ass man or woman though I personally don't think it wouldn't have changed anything for me since n... Sarafffff

    *it would've sorry lmao

Sarafffff September 21, 2023 10:53 am

Is it bad that I didn't want him to be his reincarnated mate, I just wanted him to love Taehyuk in spite of him not being his dead lover also the age gap between Taehyuk and Hyo Un in his previous life ☠ tf please don't tell me he didn't basically raise him just to do that yikes

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 10:56 am

    Was loving the story so far but this is kinda really gross and yet another reason why I didn't want him to be his mate I knew it was going to be like that

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 3:16 pm

    But in the modern times hyo-un has no memory of his mate. So for him he did love taehyuk for who he is only…and not because he’s his past mate. Even if the last few chapters hyo un clearly tells taehyuk that he only has taehyuk in his heart and not his previous mate.

    And about the second issue….hyo-un isn’t really a child. He’s a shapeless and formless who couldn’t take his dragon form due to not having a birthgiver to teach him. He only takes on the “form” of a child when he sees one in the forest…..and in the later chapters from the pictures i have seen..hyo-un takes on the form of an adult in a few days i think…or he just grows up fast. He wasn’t raised by taehyuk. Nor is he a child. And I’m pretty sure the author chose the image of the child for him initially to represent the sentiments of a young lost dragon who doesn’t have anyone to teach him how to be himself …pretty much like a young child.

    nis September 21, 2023 3:24 pm

    Please be so serious theres no age gap ?????

    Rei September 21, 2023 3:37 pm

    Gosh, how do you guys always apply "human laws" to supernatural beings or entities are beyond me. Agree with what Shiloh Knight said in the reply.

    Lucida September 21, 2023 4:21 pm

    age gap??? this is so dumb

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 5:03 pm
    But in the modern times hyo-un has no memory of his mate. So for him he did love taehyuk for who he is only…and not because he’s his past mate. Even if the last few chapters hyo un clearly tells taehyuk tha... Shiloh knight

    Yeah I get that but with all these fated love stories it's always like of course they fell in love it was mean to be doesn't matter if he didn't technically remember him deep down he knew or some shit like that anyway I know it's dumb but I would've rather have him later met his actual reincarnated mate and realize that he moved on from that thanks to Tae Hyuk.

    And as for the child thing I still think it's weird choice to have them meet while Hyo Un was in the shape of child only for them to fall in love later but I guess it's not as bad as having Taehyuk raise a "young" Hyo un but I couldn't have known all the things you've talked about since I didn't read any chapter past the 33rd. I just assumed that since the other dragon referred to Hyo un as a young dragon he was "born" around the time he met Taehyuk for the first time.

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 5:07 pm
    Please be so serious theres no age gap ????? nis

    If someone is a child or has just been born doesn't matter that he's not human he's considered a child and as far as I know Taehyuk looks like a grown ass man so yeah there's an age gap heck there's even a big ass age gap between Hyo Un and present Taehyuk not inappropriate I guess since present Taehyuk is also a grown ass man but it's there nonetheless. Do you not know what an age gap is?

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 5:24 pm
    Gosh, how do you guys always apply "human laws" to supernatural beings or entities are beyond me. Agree with what Shiloh Knight said in the reply. Rei

    Lmao "human laws" you do realize we're in the "real" world, you and I are real people and this was written by a "real" person and in the "real"world a child and a grown ass man have no business engaging into a romantic relationship even if along way that child grows up to become a grown ass man at some point and this being a fiction doesn't change the fact that it's gross.
    Regarding the whole oh but Hyo Un's not human he's a dragon blah blah blah, if he has just been born as a dragon then he's basically as clueless as a newborn baby hence me referring to him as a child because that's literally what he is and as for the whole context behind hyo Un being in the shape of a child, do I have to remind you that so far the only thing that I saw is "child" Hyo un with adult Taehyuk since I'm only at the chapter 33 and everything they mentioned in their reply happens after so yeah how the hell was I supposed to know?

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 5:26 pm
    age gap??? this is so dumb Lucida

    Me being appalled that a child albeit fictional but a child nonetheless is being basically groomed by an adult is dumb? Yeah okay duly noted random weirdo on the internet.

    nis September 21, 2023 6:16 pm
    If someone is a child or has just been born doesn't matter that he's not human he's considered a child and as far as I know Taehyuk looks like a grown ass man so yeah there's an age gap heck there's even a big ... Sarafffff

    Baby the entire plot is about an immortal entity then I Guess with your logic in the present timeline the dragon is grooming him since he's over 500 years old

    nis September 21, 2023 6:17 pm
    Yeah I get that but with all these fated love stories it's always like of course they fell in love it was mean to be doesn't matter if he didn't technically remember him deep down he knew or some shit like that... Sarafffff

    Go read something else

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 7:08 pm
    Yeah I get that but with all these fated love stories it's always like of course they fell in love it was mean to be doesn't matter if he didn't technically remember him deep down he knew or some shit like that... Sarafffff

    No he wasn’t born at that time. It’s written in the lastest chapter pretty clearly that he roamed around the world for quite a while before finding a child and taking his form. And even if he hadn’t…..he was born as a dragon…like a full grown dragon. That’s the whole point of this chap. Hyo-un was created as a dragon…they don’t grow up or grow old…they just take forms. They are just an entity of power you could say

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 7:10 pm
    Yeah I get that but with all these fated love stories it's always like of course they fell in love it was mean to be doesn't matter if he didn't technically remember him deep down he knew or some shit like that... Sarafffff

    Girl deep down hyo un hated taehyuk initially. He fell in love with taehyuk for taehyuk…not for the mate he had in past. He doesn’t even remember if his mate was a man or a woman. So saying that he only fell for taehyuk bcz he was his past mate seems like invalidating their love

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 7:12 pm
    Me being appalled that a child albeit fictional but a child nonetheless is being basically groomed by an adult is dumb? Yeah okay duly noted random weirdo on the internet. Sarafffff

    There is no “grooming” involved in the story ffs. Please read the whole story again. He took the form of a child. He isn’t an actual child. He could have taken the form of an old man too. That’s just what it is. Hyo un is not even a being to begin with. He was never born. He was created…so there’s no point of him ever even being a child.

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 7:16 pm
    Please be so serious theres no age gap ????? nis

    Nah girl..from this chapter it’s pretty clear that hyo un isn’t actually a child..he just took the form of a child he saw in the forest. If he saw an old man first he probably would have taken his form. He can change his form whenever he wishes so. And around 3-4 chaps later there’s a scene of a grown up hyo un hugging taehyuk…I can’t read korean so I don’t exactly know what happened..but it could be possible he either changed his form, grew up pretty fast or there’s a time skip.

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 8:54 pm
    There is no “grooming” involved in the story ffs. Please read the whole story again. He took the form of a child. He isn’t an actual child. He could have taken the form of an old man too. That’s just wh... Shiloh knight

    "Please read the whole story again"? There's litteraly only 33 chapters and in none of these 33 chapters is any of the stuff you're talking about mentioned buddy I was obviously only making assumptions as I've seen many manhwa and especially bls taking that road no need to get so riled up Hon. And yes he is a being what are you talking about lmao? He's not a human being but he's still a being, he exists doesn't he? Also created = born that's the same damn thing if he's a newborn dragon then he's litteraly like a child doesn't matter how you phrase it.

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 8:59 pm
    Baby the entire plot is about an immortal entity then I Guess with your logic in the present timeline the dragon is grooming him since he's over 500 years old nis

    Lmao maybe read my comment properly before replying darling would save you having to look like an ass, I litteraly just told you that there was an even bigger age gap between those too, and yes I wouldn't have liked it if Taehyuk was a clueless 19-20ish young man but that's obviously not the case hence me telling you that it wasn't an inappropriate age gap.

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 9:06 pm
    Girl deep down hyo un hated taehyuk initially. He fell in love with taehyuk for taehyuk…not for the mate he had in past. He doesn’t even remember if his mate was a man or a woman. So saying that he only fel... Shiloh knight

    Nah he was repulsed by him because he felt that he was only there to use him, which was the case initially, and it wasn't deep down he was upfront with him about it lmao but somehow at the beginning everytime he started to have nightmares or fell ill he sought Taehyuk out thinking that it was his mate sooo yeah.

    "So saying that he only fell for taehyuk bcz he was his past mate seems like invalidating their love" and yeah that was my whole point dude that's my issue with all of these fated love stories. I have yet to see how the author's going to handle present Taehyuk and Hyo Un realizing that Taehyuk is indeed his reincarnated mate and I hope I'm wrong but it kinda feels like that's how it's gonna be.

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 9:07 pm
    "Please read the whole story again"? There's litteraly only 33 chapters and in none of these 33 chapters is any of the stuff you're talking about mentioned buddy I was obviously only making assumptions as I've ... Sarafffff

    Bred and born means he came into existence as a baby and then was nourished to growth. A dragon being created means that from the moment he existed he has been a dragon. That’s just it. His human form is like a child just because he saw a child..walking on their feet and he made himself like that. Everything I’m saying IS in the chp 33 itself. He’s Newly created not newly born…and the resemblance he has to a child is all because his birthriver dried before they could guide him….so he knows nothing about this world. That’s the whole point. …he’s not a two year old kid as you’re making it seem whom taehyuk will be “grooming”. That’s a whole ass grown dragon who’ll disintegrated grown men in the few upcoming chapters. That’s a fully grown dragon who doesn’t know of his powers yet in the body of a child. He can make himself look like an adult literally any damn day he wants to

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 9:08 pm
    Go read something else nis

    Honey I can comment what I want if you're so bothered by that you can just ignore my comment and move on, its that easy

    Shiloh knight September 21, 2023 9:12 pm
    Nah he was repulsed by him because he felt that he was only there to use him, which was the case initially, and it wasn't deep down he was upfront with him about it lmao but somehow at the beginning everytime h... Sarafffff

    He fell in love with taehyuk. WITH TAEHYUK. Not his past mate. Taehyuk has reincarnated. Whatever he was in the past died with him. He is a different taehyuk now and hyo un fell for him again.
    Your point would be valid if he fell in love with him knowing that that’s his past mate. He didn’t fall for him because of that did he? He eventually started to like taehyuk and fell for him. What’s so hard to understand about this?

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 9:22 pm
    Bred and born means he came into existence as a baby and then was nourished to growth. A dragon being created means that from the moment he existed he has been a dragon. That’s just it. His human form is lik... Shiloh knight

    No it's not? Have a look at it yourself if you want but it's not lmao the 33rd chapter is mostly about how Taehyuk came to meet baby Hyo Un there's nothing about how Hyo Un ended up face down in that river what are you even talking about.

    And again I don't know the details yet since as I'm telling you for the hundredth time I haven't seen the raws but if he's just been created as you said then he's just like a child, doesn't even matter if actually has the appearance of a child or not, he doesn't know anything about the world or about himself and has everything to learn just like a fucking child.

    And Damn you're slow I'm telling you I'm only making assumptions no need to get so pressed and write me an entire paragraph to spoil the following chapters that have yet to be translated, you could've just told me that it wasn't like that and that it was explained later and be done with it lmao tf.

    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 9:37 pm


    Sarafffff September 21, 2023 9:39 pm
    He fell in love with taehyuk. WITH TAEHYUK. Not his past mate. Taehyuk has reincarnated. Whatever he was in the past died with him. He is a different taehyuk now and hyo un fell for him again.Your point would ... Shiloh knight

    Omg ♀ I'm telling you I HOPE that's not how their going to handle the revelation, not that it's definitely going to happen or that it has already happened, is it really that hard to understand smh.
    And as I mentioned previously if I said that, it's because I've seen it many times before in these fated love stories, they start to get close fall in love and then sometimes out of nowhere : oh but it was 100% mean to be because they knew each other as kids or their mothers used to be friends, or they were lovers in a past life (and the list goes on) and indeed as you so cleverly said it kinda discredits their entire relationship because it feels like no matter what they were going to end up together and then everything you just read about the development of their relationship kinda feels pointless.

    Li_ly September 22, 2023 7:31 pm

    I think people in your replies should understand not everyone is as comfortable with certain things as others, we all have preferences and rights to voice them out. If you're not ok with certain thing in the story you have right to voice it out while if people don't like your opinion they can just go on with their day ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Shiloh knight September 23, 2023 4:36 am
    No it's not? Have a look at it yourself if you want but it's not lmao the 33rd chapter is mostly about how Taehyuk came to meet baby Hyo Un there's nothing about how Hyo Un ended up face down in that river what... Sarafffff

    I HAVE been explaining it all to you. You just won’t get it….and first of all hyo-un roamed around for several years before he gained the form of a child…so it’s possible he can even be older than taehyuk ffs. You’re not making assumptions…you’re claiming a story ha grooming when it clears doesn’t…you’re out here trying to prove every bad thing you have against this story when it isn’t even there to begin’s fucking crazy

    Shiloh knight September 23, 2023 4:41 am
    Omg ♀ I'm telling you I HOPE that's not how their going to handle the revelation, not that it's definitely going to happen or that it has already happened, is it really that hard to understand smh.And as I me... Sarafffff

    Omg there is no debate about this…in the present lifetime hyo un doesn’t even know taehyuk is his oast mate when he fell for him. And what relevation u talking about? That they were fated mates? Of fucking course they are mates..but that doesn’t lessen his love..he didn’t love him because of fates ..
    And in season 1 hyo un has literally said that he doesn’t care about his mate anymore and only loves taehyuk. It was pretty self explanatory..what’s so hard to understand about THIS?

    Sarafffff September 23, 2023 1:22 pm
    I HAVE been explaining it all to you. You just won’t get it….and first of all hyo-un roamed around for several years before he gained the form of a child…so it’s possible he can even be older than taehy... Shiloh knight

    You're still there?! How many times do I have to tell you? Do you not understand English? "please don't tell me he didn't basically raise him just to do that yikes" that's what I originally said word for word I clearly wasn't saying that this was definitely going to happen or anything as I already explained to you.
    No I didn't need a 1000 words long explanation as i already told you, you could've just told me it's not like that and move on you're the one who got riled up and decided to be weirdly passive agressive like a fucking weirdo.
    And by the way I don't know if you've actually read the 34th chapter but the narrator themselves refer to Hyo Un as a child throughout the ENTIRE CHAPTER since he's litteraly JUST been birthed by the river so yeah next time you wanna be agressive maybe check your facts beforehand, would save you having to look like a fucking idiot but oh well kinda seems like it doesn't bother you since you also aggressively decided to tell me that you could see how Hyo Un ended up in the river and his birth in the 33rd chapter which was obviously not the case. English might not be my first language but I'm not stupid you're the one who doesn't listen.

    Sarafffff September 23, 2023 1:28 pm
    Omg there is no debate about this…in the present lifetime hyo un doesn’t even know taehyuk is his oast mate when he fell for him. And what relevation u talking about? That they were fated mates? Of fucking ... Shiloh knight

    I've already explained myself it wasn't a fucking debate it was just me saying that that's the way I would've like the story to go period and I made myself clear the first time,I litteraly just said : "Is it bad that I didn't want him to be his reincarnated mate, I just wanted him to love Taehyuk in spite of him not being his dead lover" it's called having a fucking opinion moron, again you're the one who somehow got pissed of by this and decided to debate other this.
    Now if you still want to argue do it by yourself I'm tired of having to repeat myself over and over again because you're too slow and too stubborn to understand the first time. Have the day you deserve

    Sarafffff September 23, 2023 1:46 pm
    I think people in your replies should understand not everyone is as comfortable with certain things as others, we all have preferences and rights to voice them out. If you're not ok with certain thing in the st... Li_ly

    You can say that again, I guess some people just aren't familiar with that concept but oh well

    Shiloh knight October 5, 2023 5:17 pm
    You're still there?! How many times do I have to tell you? Do you not understand English? "please don't tell me he didn't basically raise him just to do that yikes" that's what I originally said word for word I... Sarafffff

    Despite you stating earlier that you ‘wish’ it didn’t go in a grooming way..later on you clearly asserted several fucking times that hyo un is a child. And I clearly told you he isn’t! You didn’t fucking understand when i told you something clearly and now you’re out here cryung about how I could’ve just told you..well news flash!! I DID….you not getting basic english is NOT ON ME! You clearly don’t fucking listen to what someone has to say and then play the goddamn victim. I have been trying to explain to you one simple thing all along and you’ve been bitching about how I’m wrong..honey YOU ARE the one prancing around like an idiot in the comments. And don’t fucking blame it on eng not being ur first sure have a lot of bullshit to say in the language you don’t understand.

    PS: in the lastest update even the translator has clearly said what I’ve been trying to explain to you all along …that you consistently refuse to listen.

    So before blaming others here..maybe look at your own stupidity and narcissism’ll save you a lot from making a complete fool of yourself while speaking shit about stories or plots you don’t even understand.

    Shiloh knight October 5, 2023 5:19 pm
    I've already explained myself it wasn't a fucking debate it was just me saying that that's the way I would've like the story to go period and I made myself clear the first time,I litteraly just said : "Is it ba... Sarafffff

    Yeah sureeee cuz the author would definitely ask YOUR opinion (which no one thinks is relevant) to write their own story!

Sarafffff September 18, 2023 7:19 pm

The ignorance card how surprising, as if that would justify or excuse anything even if it were true, if you don't know what you're talking about why try to bring it up in the first place it just doesn't make sense. And we're in 2023 south Koreans need to stop acting as if they weren't well ahead of us in terms of technologies, they know racial slurs but they don't that they're slurs? Yeah right just say you're racist and you didn't think you'd be called out on it because that's usually the case in your day to day life and leave dude don't bother

Sarafffff September 13, 2023 4:57 pm

What the hell is this shit?

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