Hahahahaha the story is so funny, the translator too

Lacimolala created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Can feel fully happy because dohwa

Lacimolala created a topic of Night Song

Ughhhh im just gonna fold myself okayyy this world belong for you two !!!

Lacimolala created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Oh god this is gonna be fucked up

Lacimolala created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear
Lacimolala created a topic of Death to Dignity

Sorry but i have a spoiler this is goin nutsssss and imoral

Lacimolala created a topic of Limited Run
Lacimolala created a topic of Night Song
Lacimolala created a topic of Backlight

That bratwurst colour still had me shooked everytime

Eakkkk whats whit the blush mr. Ceo

Lacimolala created a topic of The Servant / Employer

Pen gue colok tu mata melotot mulu

Lacimolala created a topic of Awful Boss

Canโ€™t wait the duke fell so hard

Lacimolala created a topic of The Servant / Employer

This young detective is getting my nerves.. just gtfo

Lacimolala created a topic of Jueun

The art so beautiful, the story looks promising