contemplating on reading this? i say go for it. you want to know why?
the rapist life got ruined, WRECKED i dare say. after he ruined his victim's life, he got a taste of his own poison [and worse]. oh the rapist is NOT part of the main couple (thank fucking god)
but that aside, beware of a nonchallant depiction of a toxic relationship. the main relationship is toxic, and the story does not take this as seriously as you would want them to.
MAYDAY3 also doesnt show much character development in any of the characters, which may play a hand with how you would enjoy this story. some of the character's fate might have changed if they learned from their mistakes but they dont [i would this was fun because i like seeing them be dumbasses but you might get frustrated so watch out]
anygays, i hope you enjoy your ride, and if decided to skip, well good for you! take care <3

when the father ordered the sisters ex to get simon i slipped into my native tongue and started whisper-shouting into the air about how stupid he is. spent a few minutes doing that before i realized how stupid i prob looked.
but i just dont understand, FOR WHAT?? like whats the benefit in capturing simon???? legit will has 0 motivation in inheriting the company + whereas now he might have some motivation to improve himself with simon, and if simon is capture, heck KILLED, will would just not do anything outside of anger??????
like???????????? he would probably go ballistic and simons family wouldnt just shut up, theyll just get bad outcome in any way shape or form if they proceed to kidnap simon
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜