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Dj’s I enjoyed(21) 2021-01-17 0
Step mom/family oriented (4) 2020-12-20 0
The good reincarnation shit + another - a little bit of time travel too (59) 2020-12-20 0
list(1) 2020-08-14 0

Ari Leon's topics ( All 19 )

Ari Leon July 20, 2021 4:10 am

It’s high quality and clear I’m excited to read more

Ari Leon July 20, 2021 12:55 am

This is like a cute version. Of drowning in the veil I think

    fluffybunny82 July 20, 2021 2:32 am

    I was thinking that to lol, at least this one the ml doesn’t hurt an animal to prove his machoness T﹏T , drowning in the veil would have been so much better if that never happened rip

    Ari Leon July 20, 2021 4:07 am
    I was thinking that to lol, at least this one the ml doesn’t hurt an animal to prove his machoness T﹏T , drowning in the veil would have been so much better if that never happened rip fluffybunny82

    Agreed also the art style here is a lot more soft/cutesy

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