rice :3's experience ( All 0 )

rice :3's answer ( All 2 )

banger ppl who like to call themselves fujoshis are fucking freaks   3 reply
09 01,2021
rice :3
25 09,2020
lolol u wanna victimise urself so bad but guess what? no one cares~ yall straights love fetishising gay relationships so much like yall are actual FREAKS... proudly calling urself fujoshis like damn thats nothing to be proud of?? and now yall wanna get mad at the ppl that u are fetishising. sick in the head. get over it. lgbt+ ppl will go through t......   3 reply
25 09,2020

rice :3's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did read 1000 manga or more

probably mre than 7000

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Thoughts are wavering out of my mind into the clouds. They float on, and move out of sight.

20 hours
did anime op and ed

papermoon by tommy heavenly6 my fav op<3tho tbh the whole soul eater ost is sf good i want to eat EVERYTHING omnomnom

21 hours