...im not so delusional to think what was portrayed in this manga was anything close too love or "sado-masochism" it was just blatant immaturity and abuse coupled with being manipulative and humilating your partner..if you loved someone you would not want random strangers to see his "blushing face coming undone" in a bar..or to force him to masturbate in public whie begging on the floor for your love..so disgraceful. made me cringe throughout.
hate this uke so much. so disgusted!!!!!!! not worthy to be loved by that perfect seme and beautiful child. TRASHY UKE. I HATE IT. I FUCKING QUIT
this uke is the worst uke i have ever seen. very resentful bitch. had a kid then ran away, even though deep down he liked the seme, from the start infact. Then had makeup sex with baby daddy, then ran away again to go fuck a random wanker. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? i feel no empathy towards the main character of this shitty manga. its so unrealistic and doesnt capture true real life emotions. No one would have a baby then run off to go fuck a random stranger just because "you dont want to get tied down" ughhhhhh!! the absolute wrongness of the UKE IS MAKING ME FEEL DISGUSTED FOR THE OMEGAVERSE TITLE. Makes you think..so if his body didnt instinctively reject other people due to the bond effect, THIS FUCKING UKES MIND will not stop him from fucking random strangers. Rendering the emotional part of having sex completely null and void. This manga relies on omega primal uncontrollable effects to direct the actions of the uke. AND THAT IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG AND DISGUSTING. the uke has no sense of his own "feelings" ..all depends on his fucking body reaction to people. i fucking detest this so much. absolutely so unworthy to be the mother of byul and the partner of the loveable seme.
...did we read the same thing?
Yikes. I know hyesung ain't perfect, but neither is Dojin. He literally manipulated and raped Hyesung and yet he's perfect and "lovable" in your eyes? You're delusional.
erm theres this thing called character development
babe forgot trauma and insecurity exists
LMAOOO SAME the way my entire mood dropped because I saw Hyesung slander
The amount of dislikes lmao Child,who said you have to like hyesung?Like this manhwa was not made just for you
I upvoted by mistake shit (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
didnt mean to upvote. But you may not like Hyesung but please remember he was manipulated, r@pe and traumatized. Isn't Dojin a pro life? Lol. Don't get me wrong, i used to dislike Hyesung until i opened my mind. ( Do not be close minded.)
why is this too funny for me LMAO, imagine being so pressed on a work of FICTION + do u not remember hyesung being manipulated, traumatized in this work?? like tf before u go throwing hands on hyesung, look at dojin first. this is just stupid. plain old stupid. i can't believe what is happening to people nowadays.
Exactly. Exactly.
i feel like it’s a mix of homophobia and sexism
Actually my head is filled with Yaoi but I won't deny that I'm not a child