What’s something you started/found recently you really like?

Started reading this today, I'm having a lot of fun so far

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/wareta_cup_wo_modosu_ni_wa/( wholesome)
(One of Best Toxic comic that I finished just now , Both Seme and Uke deserved eachother, redemption arc is good too , and No RAPE ).
Non of the comics suggested here have rape , here ..

Where can I find “A Lover's Contract” on here?T_T

Is it this?
"Koibito Keiyaku Chuu ni Tsuki ("

I’ve seen a lot of people get an insane amount of dislikes for sharing their(not controversial) opinion. For example someone saying “I don’t want there to be romance” or “I dislike this character but I understand why some ppl like them they’re just not for me” and people will dislike it into oblivion. Like some people will prefer other characters, and that’s okay! ^_^ they aren’t saying what you like sucks.
It’s just really annoying tbh. You don’t have to dislike people’s comments because they say they prefer something. They aren’t trying to force that onto you.
*not saying this because of some personal experience(It looks like I’m venting lol) I just saw some people getting a lot of dislikes in a comment section and felt bad. Not saying you can’t dislike comments, just think about if it’s because it’s a shit comment or if it’s because you feel personally attacked.

What did you just finish or are reading rn that you really enjoy? I need some recommendations.

Currently reading this https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kusuriya_no_hitorigoto/
I saw it’s trailer on youtube and it look interesting so I decide to read the manga and I enjoyed it

A misplaced romance has ruined so many good stories for me.. I wish they could make stories with strong female side characters that aren’t love interests. A sudden pop up romance is usually just annoying and isn’t needed in the story. :/ (+women don’t need to always be a love interest, maybe let them be normal characters with actual personalities)
It’s come to the point where I dread the introduction of female characters.(which is sad) They’re only introduced to satisfy the sad lonely guys that imagine themselves as a reincarnated super badass that has several big breasted women fawning over them. I just want a quality story. A love interest isn’t always needed and sometimes it feels really out of place in the story. Most of the time it’s not the right time for the character/story.
There are of course stories that have good genuine romances but they are hard to come by. I’m often shocked when a female character is introduced and has a personality. I love it when the MC has a female teammate and there isn’t a chance for romance.
TLDR: please give female characters personalities (being in love with the mc doesn’t count) and give us a good build up to their love story if you are going to.(not just in the story like a flashback to their childhood but maybe a romance spanning 50+ chapters?)

Villain perspective stories! :) just someone going crazy. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lol. I kinda became obsessed with this manga a week ago.
I bet some absolutely insane person on here has their real face as their pfp. It sounds crazy and rare but there has to be someone and that’s hilarious.
Also, there has to be some old people on here. Like a grandma who got into manga (GL or BL too) and found herself on this site. I mean there could be people in their 50s 60s? I think 30s of course, and 40s yeah there’s some..?
Ngl ive not seen people with real people as their pfp ever
I'll probably rot in this site even in my 60s. But that's decades away