Dare I say this is slightly giving Harry Potter fanfiction…? Or at least how people write them in fanfiction. Draco and Harry I mean I love this btw, just saying the looks/dynamics/ect are how people write them in fanfiction. I’ve read this since the beginning and never thought about it till now
I love them and hope they get together ^_^ but WHY ARE THE CHAPTERS SO FUCKING SHORT. I read other stories and multiple things happen each chapter, but in this it’s like I blink and it’s over wtf
Please no hiatus. Please no hiatus. Please no hiatus. There WILL NOT be a hiatus before the next season starts. The author will not take a break from this, I can sense it. I’ve foreseen it. I BEG. I PLEAD WITH YOU. NO HAITUS DEAR GOOOOOOD !!!!!(;゚Д゚)
I love how they made him realize “shit how did she know about my black hair?” quickly, rather than dragging it out for 10 chapters. I’m fine if him not knowing her identity goes on longer but I mean like I’m happy they made him realize the obvious issue yk. Anyway I love this so far.
I can’t wait for her to keep getting revenge >:) Also, I like the white haired guy as the ML, they’ll try to redeem the red haired one but he still pisses me offf