Someone just called me a hypocrite over wanting sekyung to end up with minho and criticizing the relationship of minho and jahun.
I tried to tell her that I wasn't comfortable with someone calling me a hypocrite (because I didn't believe that I was) and I stated why I said what I said. but then she replies with a pretty long post on why shouldn't ship them (and that I am stupid for doing so), telling me that I am biased and that I should admit that I'm a hypocrite. (a bit confused though does she actually want me to say to her that I'm a hypocrite or something? and then what?) and it really bothered me. I've pretty much researched what a hypocrite is, and I don't even know how she came up with the conclusion that i am a hypocrite. Isn't hypocrisy about morality rather than supposedly having a contradictory statement? I was just speaking my mind!
(my post is two pages back if you want to read what happened. the conversation itself was pretty short, there were just long answers)
Am I really a hypocrite?

Well, technically they do have a point but the point that they make does seem to have a huge problem. You see, the ship that you wish was a thing and the ship that we ended up with has almost the exact same amount of development even through the actual ship should be way more developed. The development of the actual ship is what matters the most and is what most people should focus on. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with you suggesting that it's not developed enough.
Overall, the fact that you said that perhaps there wasn't enough development and maybe if there was then there would be more chemistry between them rather than just plainly complaining about the story lacking development can be considered as criticism. You did give advice as to what could help you like the couple more.
In my opinion, you're fine. They seem to be over reacting. It's probably because of all the hate going around before so don't take what they say to heart. You do seem nice so I don't think you're one of the people hating on the black haired guy. That person just seems to think that you are which is basically a bias and is causing them react in a much more negative way towards you. Just try to go easy on them, keep it short, don't over explain it and tell them that you have nothing against the black haired guy, this is just your opinion, you didn't mean to insult anyone.
If they still give you crap after that then either ignore them or you could try to annoy them. It's up to you but if you do decide to annoy them I have a few recommendations.
1) Be as sarcastic as possible.
2) You should at as if you mean it even if it's extremely dumb.
3) Try to sound as edgy as possible
4) Say weird stuff
5) Insult them
6) Give hints that you're trolling to see if they pick up.
Remember, if you decide to annoy them that they will probably keep on giving you crap. So I don't recommend this unless you're extremely bored and a dick which you don't seem to be so I don't think you will pick this option.

" hypocrite over wanting sekyung to end up with minho and criticizing the relationship of minho and jahun." you criticise one relationship over the other when both aren't developed. Sekyung and minho moreso because at least Hajun has shown some attraction to Minho and Minho does actually like Hajun. With minho not caring at all about Sekyung and having no feelings at all for Sekyung.
You do realise this shows that you are a hypocrite right?

Thanks. I really appreciate it what you've just said. I guess I've taken what she said to heart too much.. i don't know.. I've never been too good with confrontational people. I just can't handle people being angry at me.. No one has ever called me a hypocrite before (at least not to my face, so I don't really know), so I was shocked to find a stranger calling me a hypocrite over a comment that I made. I've read your reply to my other post.. thank you, it really means a lot. you seem like a pretty good person too!
I've been reading up on trolls and mean people on the internet, and the best solution would probably be to ignore them at this point.. I don't think that they will ever give up, if I keep on talking to them... So, I've been thinking of just muting it and just let it go, (if it really gets that bad, I'll probably just delete it for good. so that there wouldn't be anymore trouble.. thanks again!

Don't worry we're all here are hypocrites, we said we love some manga/manhua/manhwa here and the yet still reading it illegally and killing the authors softly. I'm so disgusted this uploader actually removed Tappytoon page, yuck. If the uploader read this: fuck you, at least tell people to support/buy the webtoon, you're not a robin hood, just a criminal.

I like the pink haired guy better for the blonde haired guy.. It felt like the black haired guy got together with the blondie to get back at the pink haired guy. (even if they ended up liking each other in the end.. ish?) well, the chemistry isn't really there........... maybe because there wasn't much development for the couple?

There wasn't any for the pinkie either....it was all on pinkie's side and blondie barely looked his way...so...you just sound like a hypocrite. Like whatever ship you want but at least don't sound like a hypocrite.

LOL. They really are hypocritical. If blondie suddenly loved Pinkie for no reason. I bet OP wouldn't have said a thing.

Hi, can you please not call me a hypocrite, I do not feel comfortable with strangers calling me a hypocrite over something as simple as a comment on a bl webcomic.
Look, I'm sorry if I have somehow offended you by stating my opinion on things, but you could have said your opinion in a more respectful way.
just so you know, I know that sekyung and minho little to no development in thier relationship, but what I was just trying to say that what if it were sekyung and minho's story? I would have liked that.
My first statement is not connected to the next statements. I was just criticizing their relationship without taking my preference for sekyung into account. Even if I hated sekyung, the basis of their relationship is quite shallow, the thing that caused them to get together was the broken heart of jahun and not their love for each other. minho was basically a rebound. In other mangas, that is a recipe for a toxic relationship. In most of the webcomic, jahun liked sekyung, and then to see them being fine and lovey dovey immediately? There needs to be transition. The story needed to establish that their love triangle arc wasn't the only thing that was keeping them together. you can say that, well, that their "love" is the one thats keeping them together. but where in the webcomic do we actually see that their love is firm? sure, we see them being lovey dovey in the end, but how did it get to that? that is why I didn't feel that there was any chemistry. everything was too fast.

Him USING and continue to use the blondie is YOUR assumption. Why is that your assumption? Because of you predisposition to hate on Hajun. If you used your brain to think about it, you'd realise why it's not farfetched at all.
Why bring up Hajun liking pinkie at all????? There is NO SENSE to it. In the end, even HE admitted that he never knew the real pinkie and made it up. Shouldn't that realisation ring a bell to you? Or did you decide to just sweep it under the rug because once again for YOUR OWN BIAS AND ASSUMPTIONS. There is really NO POINT to bring up Hajun liking sunbae when it has all been cleared up. You just want to HARP on it because you don't like Hajun. Don't be a fucking hypocrite.
What about fast? Who said Hajun was in love? Did Hajun say that? No, Hajun was simply giving him a chance. He even said he did not know his feelings. He simply gets affectionate when he's in a r/s or he simply allows the person he's dating to do what they want, like sekyung lying on his lap then now miinho. It doesn't mean anything and you should have seen that. Maybe he's simply the type to get affectionate when in a r/s. I know friends who act like they've been tgt for years when they just start dating. Rmb Hajun was against Minho because he thought Minho was;
1)harassing him(pls rmb that the rumours started because of minho, do you know how many girls get harrassed bcoz guys like to tell people who they have sex with, if it was a girl people would be saying that minho is harassing Hajun with the rumours). Rmb Hajun told Minho to stay away but he didn't. Minho came off as a persistent stalker who not only spread rumours but did not know the meaning of stay away. Like I said, if Hajun was a girl, this would have been SO MUCH MORE OBVIOUS.
2) he thought that hajun was using his 'nice' sunbae to harass him. Rmb he believed that sunbae was nice at first. He fell in love with sunbae because of his 'kindness' which was fake in the end and even sunbae admitted that he 'pretended to be a better person'.
3) Not only that. Because of the rumours, Hajun was afraid that Sunbae would think that he and Minho was in a r/s. Would you really want your crush to find out?
4) Minho kissed him again without permission. And this was a person who not only a week ago, said he was NOT gay. If it were you, you would probably think it's a joke or once again he's being harassed. But Hajun actually blushed at that, he DID show some attraction.
5) He pushed minho away again because minho was disrupting his date with sunbae. And he still has no idea about SUnbae's true personality. Of course, he'll think minho is the troublesome one
6) In the end, he realised that sunbae was the one who was manipulative. That it wasn't actually blondie's fault. That blondie was right all along. That his feelings for pinkie wasn't even true because he NEVER KNEW pinkie all along. He simply BELIEVED that sunbae was kind. So of course, he'll stop pushing Blondie away
7) He fell in love with Sunbae because of his kindness. So how is it farfetched that Hajun can fall in love with Blondie for his kindness? Especially knowing that blondie stayed till the end for him and cared for him even after he was rejected because he didn't want Hajun to be hurt by Sunbae because blondie knew the sunbae's true colours.
The only fast thing they had was that they had sex. But even Hajun said he was not using him. Even Hajun said he did not really know the sunbae. So why is it weird that Hajun can accept affection when he realise that Blondie is actually not the bad guy? When blondie was the one who was there for him. When blondie is the one who was actually A NICE PERSON. Not sunbae?
He realised his own misconceptions and fixed it. He realised he disliked the blonde for the wrong reasons and it was not the blonde's fault. So even he realised that the blonde was the nice one who was there all along caring for him? Why wouldn't he fall for him when he has the same attributes that he thought sunbae had?
Come on. Just admit your hypocrisy.

why are you so angry? why are you taking what I said so seriously? It is just a comment, my friend. you need to chill out.
tell me, what would happen if I said that I was a hypocrite? would you want me to retract what I said? to say that what I said was wrong? that I was lying or something?
would that make you feel better? You seem very distressed about my comment. Are you okay emotionally? have you experienced something like this before? If you need some support, you can talk to me about it. (or if not, just please talk to someone about it.) It is not healthy to be so angry.
if it would make you feel better, I can say that I am a hypocrite, but that would not make me take back what I said.
I feel that you can disagree with what I said and you can tell me that I am wrong about what I said, (and I admit that I can be wrong at times) but that would not make me change my opinion on it (at least in this case). Unless there really is a one true answer, you can't change the fact that people have different opinion on things, no matter if its right or wrong. (most of the time, there really isn't even a right or wrong) Not everything in this world is objective because people have different realities and backgrounds. People are not as objective as they think they are.
I can say that I like a really colorful dress. Let's say you like neutral colored dresses (heck, maybe you don't even like wearing dresses yourself) and you can say that I shouldn't wear it because it looks ugly in your perspective. You can even tell me reasons why it is ugly, but in the end, I am the one wearing it. In my perspective, it looks like a pretty nice dress. You and I may just have very different tastes. but does that mean that one of us has to be wrong? no.
On the side note, I don't hate jahun. I just like to ship villains and main character's in stories. My favorite pairing is harry potter/tom riddle. like if that were not an indication, I don't know what is. I'm sorry if I had offended you for being different.

First of all come down. I'm not even gonna bother reading everything you wrote because I already do have a pretty good idea from your previous comments and you pretty much wrote a whole essay.
First of all, yeah there was a lot of hate for the black haired guy in the previous chapters but that doesn't give you the right to assume that this person has anything against them because they don't ship something. Nothing that they stated so far seems to indicate that they hate the character which causes them to be biased. I personally don't mind the ship going either way through I was hoping for a three way because that would create a perfect balance between their personalities.
However, what happened and what the plot was building up to was for the black-haired dude to end up with the main character. It's ok to wish that this didn't happen and complain about it. I really have nothing against the points you make and agree with next to all of them but this was uncalled for. What they did was say their opinion. They didn't even insult the manga, the author nor you. What they said about the two main characters not having a lot of development is true. It was rushed and I was shocked to see it end so soon. If they made this story longer they could have properly developed the characters feelings and show the black haired guy slowly falling in love with the blond guy. I did see your point about the pink haired guy and the blond guy not having a lot of development either but there is a huge difference between both pairs and it's a fact that one of them is actually a thing while the other one is just a ship that people wish would exist. A ship that did sail should have a lot more development then a ship that hasn't been build completely yet and won't ever be finished. Yet in this story so far the amount of development, at least one that is well done is at the exact same point.
This is not a big deal, so what's the point of being so mad? Calm down and turn your anger to the people who were actually hating on the black haired guy. I don't remember seeing you arguing for the black haired guy when everyone was attacking him.
Are the ones published on line webtoon the official translations??
(like, does the author get something if we read it there instead of here?? or would it not make any difference?)
it was translated by the webtoon
so its not affiliated with the author whatsoever?
Pretty sure Webtoon pays author depending on the number of likes per episode...
reading on webtoon means the author gets the share of profit when we read there
no its affiliated with the author that thing is official
So, I guess, i'll start reading there then! Thanks for the info! :D