I’m kinda confused by the ending. So Mio couldn’t have children but still somehow conceived? Will we get any explanation as to why? It was shown that he slept with lots of alphas and never got pregnant, so whats’s special about Keisei? Also the fact that Keisei doesn’t live with them was also kind of confusing. Maybe I misunderstood, but it seemed like Mio lives alone with their kid and Keisei visits them often or something. But like, why? Can they not live together? Is Keisei living somewhere else? Does that mean he married someone else and has Mio+their kid as a “side family”? And why won’t the kid call him dad?
I wish their family relationship and backstory was somewhat fleshed out, cause at the moment there’s little to no hints as to what their family dynamic is like. So many questions and not enough answers. I hope we get an epilogue or something cause the ending was quite underdeveloped.

lol I just checked the raws and like... more than half of the story is missing? I went directly to chapter 53 to continue where this left off and like nothing that happened in between chapters 30-52 of the raws was even shown in these uploads. There’s a bunch of relationship building that the two went through that just didn’t show up at all? Wtf? I appreciate the translations and am grateful to the people working on this, but idk. If most of the story will be missing then they might as well not do it right? Like either go full-out and translate the whole thing properly or just wait for someone else to do it. I’m actually totally down to paying for chapters on stuff like Tapas, Lezhin, TappyToon, etc, so I’d be really thankful to anyone that could hook me up with some official translations.
If there’s been some kind of misunderstanding, and there aren’t a bunch of missing chapters, then please correct me. I feel awful calling this mediocre, so I won’t, but it definitely feels half-assed to not commit fully.

lol what’s with this forced drama? Why is Naruse conscious of their relationship all of a sudden? I can see that there is an attempt at explaining the conflict in order to introduce this unnecessary drama, but it just comes off as such a hilarious cop out. Would Naruse (realistically) have some concerns about their relationship? Most definitely. That’s not the issue here. It’s just how lazy and forced it feels. Also the “fight” scenes and sexual assault scene in the last chapter have all been so insanely out of place like yikes did the author finally run out of conventional yaoi tropes to exploit or something? Just isn’t really convincing me at all despite how hard the story is trying to make it seem legit. It’s pwp. Why try to change that all of a sudden? There shouldn’t have to be so much forced drama like this lmao please just go back to being dumb and fluffy like before. Before I get hate for this, I know this sounds really ranty but I’m like 90% joking and being sarcastic lmao but I do miss the dumb pwp that’s kinda the what gave this story its charm to begin with
I uh... I need closure? Nothing was really talked out properly, and a lot of the story was very uncomfortable to read. What a conflicting story oml
True but u can't tell me we both didn't still finish it