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Stabilo April 12, 2020 6:25 pm

Idk if this is the right place to discuss this kind of stuff but…..I don’t exactly have any other more appropriate places, plus, telling these to other yaoi fans just feels far more relatable. Hopefully this won't piss anybody off.
Sometimes I'd get random new people to be friends, typical lonely girl activity ofc, but no matter how many people I've found and chatted to… never feels right? I'm so damn lonely with nobody to chat to, yet, still I never feel like I'm fully having fun with these people I find. Sometimes our personality would vibe, but we never like the same stuff. Other times they're a great talker, but inturn they never seem to care about whatever the hell I'm talking about, while others are the opposite, they'd listen to the stuff I wanna chat about, while giving pretty half-hearted replies that makes it super hard to reply back to, and eventually all of these relationships end up one sided. I don’t……feel like I'm having fun, and I have to lie about my feelings to the other person all the time. So if I'm not having fun, then what even is the point? The other person probably also feels like they're wasting their time talking to someone they don't even care about. And this ALWAYS happen, no matter the kind of person I talk to, I've never been able to find that perfect someone who I can just comfortably chat to, where we're both giving our all to the chat and having fun, where I'd be able to chat with them about whatever topic knowing they'd talk to me with just as much enthusiasm. Where maybe even if both of us have run out of topics, we'd create something to talk about, and enjoy each other's company.Perhaps this is asking too much? Maybe in the end I'm the problem? What do you peeps think? Any of you ever feel this way too?

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